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New Mexico Forest and Watershed Health Information Clearinghouse News

Boy Scouts of America Summer employment opportunities for students in the Biology program

The Boy Scouts of America are currently hiring staff to work at Gorham Scout Ranch during the summer

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Two Goats Watershed Restoration Project Underway

High Rolls, NM – Work has begun on the 1344-acre Two Goats Watershed Restoration Project south of the community of High Rolls in the Sacramento Mountains.

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Invasive Plant Best Management Practices webinar

March 24, 2015 1 PM EST The webinar is hosted by the Sustainable Forests Roundtable, US Forest Service and Southern Regional Extension Forestry webinar portal.

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Celebrate Arbor Month, New Mexico!

It’s not just one day, we get an entire month to celebrate trees and the importance they have to all New Mexicans. The State Forestry Division wants everyone to celebrate Arbor Month by planting or caring for trees and taking part in community activities.

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Now available: The Ability of Wildfire to Act as a Fuel Treatment (Webinar)

Southwest Fire Science Consortium webinar, Jan. 2015. available at

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Public Notice: 2015-2016 Water Quality Monitoring Pre-Survey Meetings - Canadian and Dry Cimarron Watersheds

The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) Surface Water Quality Bureau (SWQB) is seeking public input on planning for a surface water quality study of the Canadian and Dry Cimarron watersheds.

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Love Your River Day 2015

We are collecting BLUE valentines for the Santa Fe River! Create a BLUE heart valentine, any size and any material, and we will display your valentine throughout the year during our special events.

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2015 Land and Water Summit: Pre-Conference Workshop: Flood Control for Watershed Health

The pre-conference workshop will include field visits to advanced flood control/ green infrastructure sites, including small scale flood control projects by Bernalillo County, as well as large scale projects completed by SSCAFCA. Lead engineers and project managers will discuss the design of the projects, problems experienced during construction, and the impact these features have had on the river.

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Webinar- A Geomorphic Perspective on Restoring the Rio Grande. September, 24

Please join us for a webinar hosted by the Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative!

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Webcast: Green Infrastructure and Smart Growth - September 3, 2014, 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. EDT

U.S. EPA’s Green Infrastructure Program and Office of Sustainable Communities are teaming up to present a webcast on green infrastructure and smart growth. This presentation will highlight communities who are successfully leveraging green infrastructure as part of wider planning and community development initiatives. Practitioners will provide insights into a wide variety of tools for encouraging land use strategies for clean water, including complete green streets, minimized parking requirements, local code review and stormwater banking.

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NM State Personnel Office Job Opportunity: Civil Engineer-Operational (DOT/GO #18860)

The purpose of this position is to work in a Drainage Design Unit performing hydrologic studies and hydraulic design in support of NMDOT construction and maintenance projects throughout the State. In addition, this position will develop temporary erosion and sediment control plans and prepare drainage reports for projects.

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Bernalillo County Commission Approves Fireworks Restrictions

At tonight’s commission meeting, the Bernalillo County Board of Commissioners approved a ban on certain fireworks in the unincorporated areas of the county.

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Third National Climate Assessment

Third National Climate Assessment

Today, delivering on our legal mandate and the President’s Climate Action Plan, the U.S. Global Change Research Program released the Third National Climate Assessment, the most comprehensive, authoritative, transparent scientific report on U.S. climate change impacts ever generated. The report confirms that climate change is affecting every region of the country and key sectors of the U.S. economy and society, underscoring the need to combat the threats climate change presents and increase the preparedness and resilience of American communities.

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Forestry Notes: May 2014

Forestry Notes: May 2014

NACD publishes Forestry Notes to highlight forestry issues of importance to districts and to showcase district-related forestry projects and success stories. Forestry Notes is funded through a cooperative agreement between NACD and the U.S. Forest Service.

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Annual Herbfest at Rio Grande Nature Center State Park

Albuquerque, NM – Rio Grande Nature Center State Park will celebrate their annual Herbfest Saturday and Sunday, May 10-11, 2014, from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. This fun springtime celebration will benefit educational programming at the park.

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EPA Climate Change and Water News May 9, 2014

EPA Climate Change and Water News May 9, 2014

EPA Climate Change and Water News is a bi-weekly newsletter from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Water that covers climate change and water-related news from EPA, other federal agencies, and partners.

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Love Your River Day is Rapidly Approaching!

What a wonderful way to spend with your loved ones the day after Valentine’s Day: helping to keep the Santa Fe River bed free of trash for everyone.

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NM WRRI 58th Annual New Mexico Water Conference

Building on recommendations that resulted from the 2012 NM WRRI annual water conference, Hard Choices: Adapting Policy and Management to Water Scarcity, this year’s conference will take another step toward adapting to the ongoing drought, a situation many consider “the new reality.” Decades of relative water abundance in New Mexico and the region, coupled with large population growth and increased consumption, have led to a crisis point for our water supply. Each speaker at the conference, New Water Realities: Proposals for Meaningful Change, will bring to the table at least one proposal or strategy for addressing the impact of water scarcity in our state.

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Tribal Climate Change Newsletter
Welcome to ITEP's Tribal Climate Change Newsletter. This monthly newsletter provides news items, resources, announcements about funding opportunities, conferences, and training, and other information relevant to tribal climate change issues.
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