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Tribal Climate Change Newsletter

Welcome to ITEP's Tribal Climate Change Newsletter. This monthly newsletter provides news items, resources, announcements about funding opportunities, conferences, and training, and other information relevant to tribal climate change issues.

Tribal Climate Change Newsletter
August 2013

Welcome to ITEP's Tribal Climate Change Newsletter. This monthly newsletter provides news items, resources, announcements about funding opportunities, conferences, and training, and other information relevant to tribal climate change issues.

  ITEP's Climate Change Program News

About Us:

Sue Wotkyns
Climate Change Program Manager


Cristina González-Maddux
Research Specialist

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Tribes & Climate Change website
For more on tribes and climate change issues, visit ITEP's Tribes & Climate Change website at tribal climate chang

The Tribal Lands and Environment Forum held on August 19-22 at the Pueblo of Santa Ana, NM, was attended by approximately 350 people. Twenty-nine people participated in the Climate Change Adaptation Planning training on August 19 representing 18 tribes, 2 non-profit organizations, 2 businesses, and 1 federal agency. Presentations will be posted soon on the conference website:

We are making final preparations for the Climate Change Adaptation Planning training on October 1-3 in Reno, NV. The class is full; any additional registrations we receive will be added to the waiting list. We are also preparing for the October 29-30 training in Cherokee, NC, at the United Southern and Eastern Tribes (USET) annual meeting.

ITEP will be participating in the upcoming 12th Biennial Conference of Science and Management on the Colorado Plateau, on September 16-19, in Flagstaff, AZ. The conference will include two tribal climate change symposium sessions on September 17 and 18, and we are also planning an informal tribal meeting for the afternoon of September 16. Please contact me if you have any questions about the tribal meeting or tribal symposium sessions.

-- Sue Wotkyns

In the News

New York Times Magazine Highlights Tragedy of Lost Native Tornado Knowledge
Of all the things that veteran "weather god" Charles England regrets about his tenure as the main meteorologist for Channel 9 in Oklahoma City is that he never consulted local tribes about their knowledge of tornadoes. The New York Times Magazine profiled the weather guru of Tornado Alley, as the swath of storm-prone flatlands in central Oklahoma is known. This past spring saw some of the most devastating tornadoes in history rip through the state, decimating Indian country. © 2013 Indian Country Today Media Network, LLC, 8/11/13. 2013/ 08/ 11/ new- york- times- magazine- highlights- tragedy- lost- native- tornado- knowledge- 150823

Native Resilience and Interethnic Cooperation: How Natives are adapting to climate change, and helping their non-Native neighbors follow suit
Natives are used to challenges-colonization offers an example. Natives' historic resiliency and local traditional knowledge, along with their political sovereignty, is empowering them to lead in the effort to adapt to today's changing climate. Zoltan Grossman offers a run-down of interethnic cooperation among Natives and non-Natives, from the Midwest to the Northwest. Read the Dirt, 8/8/13. native- resilience- and- interethnic- cooperation- how- natives- are- adapting- to- climate- change- and- helping- their- non- native- neighbors- follow- suit

Relocation of Alaska's sinking Newtok village halted
Setback for tribal communities threatened by climate change as government freezes funding over local political dispute. © 2013 Guardian News and Media Limited, 8/5/13.

Tribes tell Senate how environmental change, rules affect their lands
Climate change is sweeping indigenous villages into the sea in Alaska, flooding the taro fields of native Hawaiians and devastating the salmon population from which Washington state Indian tribes draw their livelihood, tribal leaders testified Thursday at a Senate hearing. © Copyright 2013, Enquirer-Herald, 8/1/13.

Climate change will cause Alaskan village to vanish under water within 10 years: Scientists
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers predicts that the tiny village of Kivalina will disappear by 2025, turning its 400 Inupiat residents into America's first climate change refugees. © 2013, 7/30/13. news/ national/ alaskan- village- vanish- water- decade- scientists- article- 1.141 2920 #ixzz 2cBm LPWSh

New Water Wells Relieve Navajo Livestock During Deadly Drought
Roughly 1,000 dehydrated cattle in two chapters of the Navajo Nation in Utah have found relief, thanks to new wells provided by the United States Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Service, according to a USDA release. © 2013 Indian Country Today Media Network, LLC, 7/31/13. 2013/ 07/ 31/ new- water- wells- relieve- navajo- livestock- during- deadly- drought- 150670

Supai loses its drinking water
The 500 residents of Supai Village in the Grand Canyon are without water after weekend floods knocked out their well water pump and its backup generator. A 700-foot break in the sewage line feeding a lagoon has also raised concerns that once water is reconnected, it might be contaminated. © Copyright 2013, Arizona Daily Sun, 7/31/13. news/ local/ supai- loses- its- drinking- water/ article_ 1b480 03e- f9a3- 11e2- 91e4- 001a 4bcf 887a.html

Agreement quantifies Arizona tribe's water rights
The White Mountain Apache Tribe is moving closer to securing a water delivery system on its eastern Arizona reservation after the Interior Department signed off on an agreement that quantifies the tribe's water rights. Interior Secretary Sally Jewell said Tuesday that her department will work with the tribe to ensure that a dam to capture water from the White River is built and that pipelines send clean water to people's homes. © 2013, 7/31/13. news/ arizona/ free/ 20130 730 agreement- quantifies- arizona- tribes- water- rights.html

Water Power: 15 Tribes Have a Say in Modernizing the Columbia River Treaty
In 1964 a monumental agreement between the United States and Canada was signed with two basic purposes: power production and flood control for both countries. It was called the Columbia River Treaty and was to affect nearly everyone in the northwestern states and adjacent Canada. It has served those two purposes well but now needs updating to consider other concerns. The 21st century has brought to light other considerations that include ecosystem-based functions. © 2013 Indian Country Today Media Network, LLC, 7/25/13. 2013/ 07/ 25/ modernizing- columbia- river- treaty- 15- tribes- have- say- 150558


Alaska Climate and Weather Highlights Tool (Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy)
The tool is designed to provide near real time information to the public about notable weather and climate events in Alaska and surrounding waters. ?q=tools/ climate_ highlights &utm_ source= ACCAP& utm_campaign= 09f3cd 9e15- Alaska+ Climate+ and+ Weather+ Highlights+ Tool &utm_ medium= email &utm_term =0_7a2d da40c5- 09f3c d9e15- 37333 265# date/ 2013-06

ClimateChangeLIVE (USDA Forest Services, Prince William Network, and partners)
Series of webcasts, webinars, and online climate education resources. This distance learning project provides science-based, climate education resources and programs, aligned to national science education standards, which are gathered from 17 federal agency and NGO partners.

Collection of Federal Adaptation Plans
In 2009, the Obama Administration convened the Interagency Climate Change Adaptation Task Force, and the President signed Executive Order 13514, directing agencies to improve energy and water efficiency, better manage waste and pollution, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, the Order requested that agencies identify vulnerabilities and put together a climate adaptation plan by June 2012. The plans were released in February 2013 and began implementation for FY 2013. impacts/ federal- adaptation- plans? utm_ source= Center+ for+ Climate+ and+ Energy+ Solutions+ newsletter+ list&utm_ campaign= 2d1af 223cc- July_ 2013_ Newsletter7_ 30_ 2013 &utm_ medium= email& utm_ term= 0_36e 5120 ca4- 2d1af 223cc- 294 8351 42

Landscape Conservation Cooperative website (USFWS)
This is a new website for the LCCs. You can find links to each of the LCCs, news, and resources, and information about the LCC National Council.

NCAI Resolutions (National Congress of American Indians)
These resolutions are among those passed at the National Congress of American Indians 2013 Mid Year Conference in June 2013, Reno, NV. Adopting Guidance Principles to Address the Impacts of Climate Change: resources/ resolutions/ adopting- guidance- principles- to- address- the- impacts- of- climate- change;
Request for Federal Government to Develop Guidance on Recognizing Tribal Sovereign Jurisdiction over Traditional Knowledge: resources/ resolutions/ request- for- federal- government- to- develop- guidance- on- recognizing- tribal- sovereign- jurisdiction- over- traditional- knowledge

Socioeconomics and Climate Change in the Great Lakes Region (Univ. of Michigan)
This website shows how the social and economic characteristics of the Great Lakes Region are impacted by regionally specific changes in climate.

State of the Climate in 2012 (American Meteorological Society)
Worldwide, 2012 was among the 10 warmest years on record according to the2012 State of the Climate report released by the American Meteorological Society (AMS). The peer-reviewed report, with scientists from NOAA's National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, NC serving as lead editors, was compiled by 384 scientists from 52 countries. It provides a detailed update on global climate indicators, notable weather events, and other data collected by environmental monitoring stations and instruments on land, sea, ice, and sky. August 2013.

What Will Adaptation Cost? An Economic Framework for Coastal Community Infrastructure (NOAA Coastal Services Center)
Coastal areas across the United States are beginning to incorporate sea level rise adaptation into their community planning. One of the most challenging aspects of adapting to sea level rise is understanding the economic implications of future inundation risk, and the costs and benefits of different adaptation options. Communities are already grappling with difficult decisions about how to locate, maintain, and protect expensive community infrastructure such as roads, hospitals, and wastewater treatment plants. This report provides a framework that community leaders and planners can use to make more economically informed decisions about adapting to sea level rise and storm flooding. June 2013.

Other Items of Interest

LCC National Council - Call for Applications
The U.S. Institute of Environmental Conflict Resolution (U.S. Institute) announces the convening of the Landscape Conservation Cooperatives (LCC) National Council. The LCC National Council will support the cooperative, large-scale conservation efforts of the LCC Network by working with them to enhance coordination among the LCCs and to identify ecological and institutional challenges such as climate change and other landscape-scale stressors that should be addressed on the national and international scale. Serving as the national voice for the LCC network, the Council will seek to support actions that can be taken at the national level to facilitate the work of the cooperatives. The U.S. Institute and the LCC National Strategy Team are now accepting applications for individuals to represent their organizations on the Council in the several categories of participants, including: 3 U.S. Federally-Recognized Tribal participants, and 1 Indigenous participant. Applications are due by September 9th, 2013.

Funding Opportunities

NOTE: More Funding Opportunities can be found at the Tribes & Climate Change website: Also, see the Tribal Climate Change Funding and Program Guide developed by the Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Project at the Univ. of Oregon:

FY2013 Pre-Disaster Mitigation Program (FEMA)
The Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) program provides funds to states, territories, Indian tribal governments, communities, and universities for hazard mitigation planning and the implementation of mitigation projects prior to a disaster event. Funding these plans and projects reduces overall risks to the population and structures, while also reducing reliance on funding from actual disaster declarations. PDM grants are to be awarded on a competitive basis and without reference to state allocations, quotas, or other formula-based allocation of funds. Eligibility includes Indian tribal governments. Funding Opportunity # DHS-13-MT-047-000-99. Deadline: 9/23/13.

Great Lakes Restoration Initiative-Partners for Fish and Wildlife 2013 Grant (USFWS)
The US Fish and Wildlife Service, Partners for Fish and Wildlife (PFW) Program anticipates funding wetland and associated upland habitat restoration and enhancement projects for conservation of native Great Lakes fish and wildlife populations, particularly migratory birds. Restoration projects will be completed on privately owned (non-federal/non-state) lands. Eligibility includes Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized) and Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments). Funding Opportunity # F13AS00122. Deadline: 9/30/13.

Coastal Program - Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Grant(USFWS)
The Coastal Program is a voluntary, incentive-based program that provides technical and financial assistance to coastal communities and landowners to restore and protect fish and wildlife habitat on public and private lands. The Coastal Program Great Lakes Restoration Initiative funding is available to coastal areas within the U.S. portion of the Great Lakes basin which includes parts of Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York. Eligibility includes Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized). Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments). Deadline: 9/30/13. Funding Opportunity # F13AS00124.

Building Resilience Grant Guidelines (Honor the Earth)
Funding for the Building Resilience in Indigenous Communities Initiative will focus on two goals: 1. To support and forward the development of culturally-based, Indigenous solutions to climate change based on re-localizing food and energy economies; 2. To foster restoration of traditional knowledge as a key adaptation and mitigation strategy to ensure a safe and healthy future for our children and the next seven generations. Honor will grant funds to organizations and projects working in two areas: 1. Implementing renewable energy and energy efficiency/weatherization improvements to advance community dignity and energy sovereignty; 2. Creating food security utilizing Indigenous varieties and organic production. All projects must include ongoing efforts aimed at restoring Indigenous wisdom and sustainability in Indigenous territories. Eligibility: organizations that are led and managed by Native peoples. Priority is given to grassroots, community-based organizations and groups with a lack of access to federal and/or tribal funding resources. Deadline: 10/18/13.

FY 2014 Species Recovery Grants to Tribes (NOAA)
The principal objective of the Species Recovery Grants to Tribes Program is to support recovery efforts that directly benefit threatened or endangered species, species proposed for listing, de-listed species, or candidate species under the jurisdiction of the NMFS or under the joint jurisdiction of NMFS and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Recovery efforts may involve management, research, monitoring, and outreach activities or any combination thereof. Successful applications will be those that demonstrate a direct conservation benefit to the species or its habitat. Eligibility: Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized). Deadline: 10/29/13. Funding Opportunity # NOAA-NMFS-PRPO-2014-2003832.

Upcoming Events

NOTE: More Upcoming Events can be found at the Tribes & Climate Change website:

September 2013

Webinar: Planning for Climate Change Adaptation: Planning for Change in Forests, Wildlife, and Land Use
September 4, 2 pm Eastern. Part of the USFS Planning for Growth and Open Space Conservation Webinar Series. A panel of speakers will present science and management considerations for climate change adaptation planning from three perspectives: forests, wildlife, and land use planning and hazard mitigation. Speakers will share new resources and publications on climate change adaptation from the Forest Service and National Wildlife Federation and discuss how planners and land managers can consider these changing environmental conditions in their work.

Webinar: Empowering Communities to Find Resilient Solutions
September 5, 1:15-2:45 PM ET. Offered by Security and Sustainability Forum. This webinar, moderated by nationally known environmental mediator Lucy Moore, will offer innovative tools for bringing together diverse interests in dialogue where they can learn, build relationships, and face tough choices together. The session will focus on case studies that highlight the role of community engagement in decision-making on challenging issues related to both the "before" and "after" of extreme environmental events. There will be time for questions from the participants. register/ 909593905 ?utm_ source= Fall+ Webinar+ Schedule &utm_ campaign= date+ change+ and+ panel &utm_ medium= email

Webinar: Bringing Order to Chaos: ScienceBase and Other Project Lifecycle Tools
September 5, 3:30 PM Eastern. The National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center (NCCWSC) is managing activities at 8 regional Climate Science Centers (CSCs), each of whom fund multiple projects annually and coordinate with many stakeholders and partners to support climate change science, management and adaptation. We, at NCCWSC, need to be able to share information on these science projects, and on their associated data and products. In order to accomplish this, NCCWSC is working with ScienceBase, a data catalog and collaborative data platform as a repository for NCCWSC and CSC funded projects. We have also developed several other tools and policies that help us manage the entire lifecycle of our projects and share information with stakeholders and the public - bringing order to what can often be a chaotic process.

Conference: 4th Annual Pacific Northwest Climate Science Conference
September 5-6, Portland, OR. The conference provides a forum for researchers and practitioners to convene and exchange scientific results, challenges, and solutions related to the impacts of climate on people, natural resources, and infrastructure in the Pacific Northwest.

Training: Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments
September 9-10, Wells, ME. Offered by the USFWS National Conservation Training Center. This course is based on January 2011 publication "Scanning the Conservation Horizon - A Guide to Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment". The guidance document is a product of an expert workgroup on climate change vulnerability assessment convened by the National Wildlife Federation in collaboration with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This course is designed to guide conservation and resource management practitioners in two essential elements in the design of climate adaptation plans. Specifically, it will provide guidance in identifying which species or systems are likely to be most strongly affected by projected changes; and understanding why these resources are likely to be vulnerable, including the interaction between climate shifts and existing stressors.

Conference: Indian Housing Training Conference
September 10-13, Tulsa, OK. This four-day conference will provide housing professionals with the tools to maintain good homes, build affordable homes, improve public safety, and provide essential building blocks to a healthy community in the heart of Indian Country. Participants will be able to join critical sessions related to Tribal housing programs and imperative to HUD's Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) Program.

Webinar: Climate change, crowd-sourcing, and building the social networks needed for effective landscape conservation of native trouts
September 13, 1-2 pm ET. part of USFS Landscape Science Webinar Series. Presenter: Daniel Isaak, Research Ecologist, USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station.

Conference: 12th Biennial Conference of Science and Management on the Colorado Plateau
September 16-19, Flagstaff, AZ. Theme: Effects of Rapid Climatic, Social, and Technological Changes on the Colorado Plateau. This is a forum that brings together resource managers and research scientists to discuss findings and management needs associated with the natural and cultural resources of the Colorado Plateau. It will include two tribally-focused climate change symposium sessions.

Webinar: Climate in the Pacific Northwest - A Primer
September 17, 1-2:30 pm PDT. This webinar is a primer on climate change in the Pacific Northwest and is targeted toward students, educators, professionals, policy makers, and others interested in learning more about climate in the region.

Webinar: Sustainability and Adaptation
September 18. Part of USEPA's Climate Ready Water Utilities (CRWU) Webinar Series ( An introduction to the CRWU initiative and climate change adaptation planning. The recently updated CRWU Adaptation Strategies Guide highlights strategies for pursuing both adaptation and sustainability goals, specifically those related to green infrastructure and energy management. This webinar will provide an in depth look at the new sustainability information in the Guide and utility representatives will share their experience planning and implementing sustainable strategies.

Webinar: Midwest and Great Plains Drought and Climate Outlook Webinar
September 19, 1 pm CDT. Discussion of the current drought impacts across portions of the area as well as outlooks for drought, precipitation and temperatures over the coming months.

Webinar: Community-Based Surveys Inform Climate Change Adaptation in Rural and Frontier Communities in Alaska
September 20, 10 am AKDT. Hosted by Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy. Presenter: David Driscoll, Univ. of Alaska Anchorage. Effective adaptations by northern residents to climate change require measurement and discussion of environmental effects and health outcomes at the local level. More than 60 participants representing eight communities across Alaska provided monthly surveys from 2011 to 2012 including observations on local weather, hunting and harvesting, food and water safety, and general health and air quality.

Conference: Climate Smart Southwest
September 20-21, Tucson, AZ. This conference is being organized by the Arizona Chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility with the support of a coalition of co-sponsoring community and national organizations as well as local leaders. The purpose is to build new and fortify existing cross-cultural, community, and governmental partnerships to educate and engage community action to address the anticipated public health impacts of climate change in the Southwest.

Webinar: Tribal and Utility Partnership Opportunities
September 25, 11:00 am-12:30 pm MDT. Part of the Tribal Renewable Energy Webinar Series sponsored by the DOE Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Tribal Energy Program, and Western Area Power Administration. Tribes and utilities can be a nexus of renewable energy project development. The future utility likely will have a resource portfolio that is a hybrid of centralized power plants, distributed generation, microgrids, and demand response programs that result in a more efficient system of both generation and consumption. This webinar focuses on the opportunities for a partnership between Tribes and utilities that improves the energy system and stimulates economic development on tribal lands.

October 2013

ITEP Training: Climate Change Adaptation Planning
October 1-3, Reno, NV. Offered by the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP). This course provides an introduction to planning for climate change impacts, with examples of tribes that have been going through the adaptation planning process. The course is intended for tribal environmental and natural resource professionals who expect to be involved in climate change adaptation planning. Since the course will focus on climate change impacts in the region, we especially encourage people from the region to attend. Others are welcome to attend but should realize that that there will be a focus on that region.

Workshop: Alaska Native Village Energy Development Workshop
October 1-3, Fairbanks, AK. This workshop will be presented by the Tribal Energy Program and the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs to help Alaska Native villages and corporations understand the range of energy efficiency and renewable energy opportunities that exist in their remote communities.

Conference: EPA Region 10 Tribal Environmental Leaders Summit
October 7-11, Spokane, WA. Hosted by the Kalispel Tribe of Indians. Tribal Leaders and their environmental staff, along with EPA representatives are invited to share and seek resolution to tribal environmental concerns throughout EPA Region 10.

Conference: NW Tribal Water Rights Conference
October 9-10, Anchorage, AK. Offered by Center for Water Advocacy. At this year's conference we expect to create a regional dialogue that will address Alaska Native Water Rights and water sovereignty. We will, also, focus on strategies for Alaska Native Tribal governments to reduce threats to instream flows, subsistence uses, human health, food security and management of water quality and quantity passing through traditional native lands.

Training: Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments
October 9-11, Jackson, WY. Offered by the USFWS National Conservation Training Center. This course is based on January 2011 publication "Scanning the Conservation Horizon - A Guide to Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment". The guidance document is a product of an expert workgroup on climate change vulnerability assessment convened by the National Wildlife Federation in collaboration with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This course is designed to guide conservation and resource management practitioners in two essential elements in the design of climate adaptation plans. Specifically, it will provide guidance in identifying which species or systems are likely to be most strongly affected by projected changes; and understanding why these resources are likely to be vulnerable, including the interaction between climate shifts and existing stressors.

Conference: EcoSpirit Conference
October 12-13, Bethlehem, PA. A gathering of Native American leaders and environmental experts; a conference about cleaning up the environment.

Convention: National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) 70th Annual Convention and Marketplace
October 13-18, Tulsa, OK.

Forum: Climate Strategies Forum
October 14-17, Washington, DC. The Association of Climate Change Officers proudly launches its inaugural Climate Strategies Forum in conjunction with the recent publication of Core Competencies for Climate Change Officers (version 1.0). The Forum will feature prominent leaders from across sectors in a plenary format, and a series of half-day bootcamps aligned with the core competencies. Plenary sessions will focus on climate and energy, and bootcamps will focus on topics including adaptation planning, implementing change management schemes, implementing a GHG management structure, and building a public-private partnership project.

Conference: USEPA Region 9-21st Annual Tribal/EPA Conference
October 22-24, Lemoore, CA. For the past 21 years, the annual conference has been an important opportunity for partnership and ongoing collaboration between Tribes, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and other federal, state, and local agencies. The annual conference has provided the Tribes with valuable training, networking opportunities, and resource-sharing.

Workshop: Adaptive Management In the Face of Climate Change Field Day
October 28. Cloquet, MN. Offered by Univ. of Minnesota. The workshop is designed for practicing foresters and natural resource land managers of Minnesota, the Midwest and Canada. Leading applied scientists, university professors and practitioners will provide on-the-ground perspectives of how climate change may be addressed within managed forests. Field Sites will include a variety of ownerships and forest types common to the region. prod/ groups/ cfans/ @pub/ @cfans/ @sfec/ documents/ article/ cfans_ article_ 4459 73.pdf

Meeting: United Southern and Eastern Tribes (USET) Annual Meeting
October 28-31, Cherokee, NC. Hosted by Eastern band of Cherokee Indians.

ITEP Training: Climate Change Adaptation Planning (at USET meeting)
October 29-30, Cherokee, NC. This two-day training is being offered by the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) at the USET annual meeting. This training will provide an introduction to the process of planning for climate change impacts, from getting started to impact and vulnerability assessment to developing adaptation strategies. Participants will receive informational resources and templates that can help their tribe with adaptation planning.

Symposium: First Stewards Symposium
October 29-31, Washington, DC. First Stewards will hold their 2nd annual symposium at the National Museum of the American Indian. This year's theme is "United Indigenous Voices Address Sustainability: Climate Change and Traditional Places". This annual event aims to bring together coastal indigenous tribal elders, leaders, scientists, witnesses, and other scientists and policy leaders from around the nation to discuss traditional ecological knowledge and what it can teach us about past, present, and future adaptation to climate change. Regional panels of tribal leaders and tribal and Western scientists will examine how native people and their cultures have adapted to climate change for hundreds to thousands of years, and what their future - and that of the nation - may hold as the impacts of climate change continue.

Training: Climate-Smart Conservation
October 29-31, Shepherdstown, WV. Offered by the National Conservation Training Center. This course is based on a forthcoming guide to the principles and practice of Climate-Smart Conservation. This publication is the product of an expert workgroup on climate change adaptation convened by the National Wildlife Federation in collaboration with the FWS's National Conservation Training Center and other partners. The course is designed to demystify climate adaptation for application to on-the-ground conservation. It will provide guidance in how to carry out adaptation with intentionality, how to manage for change and not just persistence, how to craft climate-informed conservation goals, and how to integrate adaptation into on-going work. Conservation practitioners and natural resource managers will learn to become savvy consumers of climate information, tools, and models. NCTCWeb/ catalog/ CourseDetail. aspx? Course Code Long= FWS- ALC3195


©2002 Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals at Northern Arizona University



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