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New Mexico Forest and Watershed Health Information Clearinghouse News

Sandia Ranger District to host Bio Blitz on May 14, 2016

The Sandia Ranger District will host a Bio Blitz on May 14, 2016, from 8:00 AM until 12:00 PM, at the Cienega Picnic Grounds. The public is invited to attend. Participants must register at the event, but there is no charge to participate in the Bio Blitz.

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New Mexico Tree Inventory Workshop & Webinar

Community tree inventorying can be valuable at any scale, from park or neighborhood counts with volunteers to canopy assessments using advanced aerial technology. Join us for a workshop where we'll share efforts happening in New Mexico now, fresh technologies and ideas, and a discussion on inventory needs in New Mexico. Join us in person or via webinar.

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Fire Fair in May

The Sandia Park Scenic Byway Firewise Community is hosting a Fire Fair to help residents prepare for fire season.

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Estimating the economic impacts of ecosystem restoration—Methods and case studies

Open-File Report 2016-1016 Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Department of the Interior Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration Program and Office of Policy Analysis and the Bureau of Land Management Socioeconomics Program

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Celebrate the Forest Stewards Guild YCC program June 2nd at the Evening in the Pines

Since its inception in 1999, the Forest Stewards Guild youth conservation corps (YCC) program in New Mexico has employed over 500 youth and achieved more than 200,000 hours of conservation service and education benefiting public lands.

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Riparian Restoration and Tamarisk Beetle Workshop - Albuquerque, NM

Thursday, June 2nd is the established date for the workshop/training in Albuquerque! The event will be hosted by the UNM Utton Transboundary Center in the Rotunda on UNM's South Campus, and will be all day - 8:30-4:30 (agenda to follow).

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Cedro Landscape Restoration Project

Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 13, 2016 - The Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Cedro Landscape Restoration project has been published and is ready for public review. The project area is located on Cibola National Forest and National Grasslands’ Sandia Ranger District. It is designed to restore the ecosystem to desired conditions. High tree density and severe competition have created conditions that compromise forest health, wildlife habitat, and scenic quality; these conditions also increase the likelihood of high-intensity wildfires.

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2016 NM Wildland Urban Interface Summit

The 2016 Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Summit will be held March 31st through April 2nd in Silver City, New Mexico at the Besse-Forward Global Resource Center on the Western New Mexico University Campus.

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SW Fire Conference 2016

Beyond hazardous fuels: Managing fire for social, ecological, and economic benefit

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Are You Ready for Love Your River Day? We Are!

Are You Ready for Love Your River Day? We Are!

I know it's hard to believe, but February is right around the corner! It's time to mark your calendars for Love Your River Day on Saturday, February 13th at Frenchy's Park in Santa Fe.

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Forest Worker Safety Ceritifcation Class

New Mexico Forest Industry Association is proposing to hold a Forest Worker Safety Certification class in Silver City on February 24-26, 2016.

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Biophysical Settings Review: What it is. How it works. Why it matters.

All ecosystems are dynamic, changing due to growth, succession and disturbances. Modeling large landscapes in the United States requires the collective knowledge of experienced and knowledgeable vegetation and fire experts. In collaboration with hundreds of colleagues, LANDFIRE produced more than 1,000 state-and-transitions models and descriptions — one for every ecosystem (called Biophysical Settings or BpS) mapped by the Program. The result is a major contribution to basic and applied vegetation ecology across the country.

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NM State Forestry - Returning Heroes at Career Fairs

Returning Heroes representatives will be recruiting at two career fairs this week!

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Western wildfires threaten water supplies, study finds

WASHINGTON — The risk of severe wildfires in the West also threatens the region’s increasingly scarce water supply, a new study finds.

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New Mexico State Forestry Division Announces Achievements in Watershed Restoration Initiative

The New Mexico State Forestry Division has achieved accelerated progress in Governor Susana Martinez’s Watershed Restoration Initiative. The $6.2 million appropriation was signed into law in 2014, issuing severance tax dollars to treat priority watersheds on public land. By the end of this year, nearly half of the targeted 7,700 acres will have been completed and seven (7) of the projects will be finished.

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Society of American Foresters - 2015 National Convention

REGISTRATION OPEN: 2015 SAF Convention Recreating Forestry: The Confluence of Science, Society and Technology - Join us in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, November 3-7, where forestry and natural resources professionals from across the country will discuss contemporary forest resource management issues and examine the trends and technologies shaping the profession.

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Clean Water Rule Protects Streams and Wetlands Critical to Public Health, Communities, and Economy

Washington – In an historic step for the protection of clean water, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army finalized the Clean Water Rule today to clearly protect from pollution and degredation the streams and wetlands that form the foundation of the nation’s water resources.

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Welcome to ITEP's Tribal Climate Change Newsletter. This monthly newsletter provides news items, resources, announcements about funding opportunities, conferences, and training, and other information relevant to tribal climate change issues.
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