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New Mexico Forest and Watershed Health Information Clearinghouse News

Southwest Interagency Fuels Workshop

The Workshop will bring together managers and researchers from multiple resource agencies and academia to share information and provide feedback on fuels treatments in the Southwest.

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2011 Tamarisk Research Conference

2011 Tamarisk Research Conference - February 16 & 17 - Tucson, AZ - Marriott University Park There will also be a tour of the Tucson Plant Materials Center on Friday morning, February 18th. Registration Fees: $170 Regular / $55 Students Send registration to the Tamarisk Coalition at PO Box 1907 Grand Junction, CO 81502.

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Soil Training Program- Making More with Microbes

Whether you are a cattle rancher, small, medium or large scale farmer, this seminar will help you unearth the potential of your land. You’ll learn valuable tools and techniques to help you turn your soil into rich and fertile ground through composting, creating composting tea, and by gaining a better understanding of the basics of soil microbiology.

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2011 Water Conservation/Xeriscape Conference

The 16th Water Conservation / Xeriscape Conference and Expo will be in Albuquerque, NM on February 24-25, 2011 .

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2011 Climate Masters Class

The New Mexico Environment Department will be offering a Climate Master™ class in Santa Fe from February 3 through April 14, 2011. The Climate Master™ program is an 11-week free series of classes focused on climate change and what you can do to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions in your daily life. Class topics include Climate Change, Home Energy, Water, Transportation, Green Building, Renewable Energy, Yards, Consumption and Waste, Food, Sustainable Behavior, and Climate Change Communication. Local experts in these fields will discuss these topics, climate change, and how to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions. Climate Master™ is modeled after the Master Gardener program. This program is a two-part educational effort, in which community members are provided 30 hours of training and in return they “pay back” the program through 30 hours of volunteer service in the year following the training. On average, students who take the class can reduce their own personal emissions by approximately 2 tons per year. Individual action is critical because individuals are the end users of most energy production via home heating and cooling, appliances, food, travel, and disposable products. Climate Master™ will provide training, specific tools and methods that will enable you to join others in making a difference. Registration is required. The deadline to register is February 1, 2011

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2011 Arid LID (Low Impact Development) Workshop

The 2nd Annual Conference on Green Infrastructure & Low Impact Development Methods for Stormwater Management in Arid Environments will be held March 22nd & 23rd, 2011 at the National Hispanic Cultural Center. The $75.00 registration fee includes the two day conference, and breakfast, lunch, beverages and snacks for both days. Registration is limited to 250 participants, so register early to guarantee your spot. Who Should Attend? MS4 program managers, Water resource professionals, Drainage and flood control engineers, Architects and landscape architects, Developers, Municipal officials, Watershed organizations, and others concerned about watershed health & stormwater management.

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National Workshop on Climate and Forests: Planning Tools and Perspectives on Adaptation and Mitigation Options

Registration is now open for the Society of American Foresters' National Workshop on Climate and Forests! The Workshop's purpose is: to extend greater understanding of the current adaptation and mitigation options (the 5-R's) for forest management; to make state-of-the-art climatic and ecological planning tools accessible and useful for decision makers, forest resource managers and extension educators at all levels; to explore how to make these options and tools better utilized by the various forest resource managers and extension educators across the country; and to foster understanding of where scientific research and practitioners' expectations intersect to generate the best management decisions.

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Zuni Mountains CFLRP Collaborative Meeting, January 10, 2011

Stakeholder planning meeting to identify forest restoration strategies for the Zuni Mountain area of the Cibola National Forest

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Water Harvesting Certification Course -- Accepting Applications

Watershed Management Group is offering two Water Harvesting Certification courses in the spring of 2011 along with our new Green Infrastructure Technical Training and Certification program. We are currently accepting applications for the following programs: • Green Infrastructure Technical Training and Certification, Tucson, January 20-22, 2011 • Water Harvesting Certification, Phoenix, March 18 – 27, 2011 • Water Harvesting Certification, Tucson, April 29 – May 8, 2011 Please see below for more details on each program listed above. In addition to these trainings, we will be offering an Advanced Cistern and Advanced Greywater Technical Training with Certification in the spring of 2011. Dates and details will be posted on our Watershed Technical Trainings page later in December.

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Green Infrastructure Certification Course -- Accepting Applications

Watershed Management Group is offering a Green Infrastructure Certification course in the spring of 2011 along with our new Green Infrastructure Technical Training and Certification program. We are currently accepting applications for the following programs: • Green Infrastructure Technical Training and Certification, Tucson, January 20-22, 2011 • Water Harvesting Certification, Phoenix, March 18 – 27, 2011 • Water Harvesting Certification, Tucson, April 29 – May 8, 2011 Please see below for more details on each program listed above. In addition to these trainings, we will be offering an Advanced Cistern and Advanced Greywater Technical Training with Certification in the spring of 2011. Dates and details will be posted on our Watershed Technical Trainings page later in December.

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Sandia Ranger District Implementing Pile Burn Near Cedro Lookout

Weather permitting Sandia Ranger District will be implementing a pile burn around Cedro Lookout near Tijeras from December 7 thourgh December 9, 2010.

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ONRWs designated in NM Forest Service wilderness areas

The NM Water Quality Control Commission (WQCC) voted 7-3 to designate named, perennial waters within U.S. Forest Service wilderness areas as Outstanding National Resource Waters. The designation gives special protection to hundreds of miles of rivers and streams, more than two dozen lakes and thousands of acres of wetlands in federal wilderness area across the state. The WQCC also voted to adopt new antidegradation regulations governing how ONRWs will be managed in the state.

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Advocates discuss protecting streams and restoring rivers

Advocates discuss protecting streams and restoring rivers

Titled “From Mountaintop to River Bottom: Teaming up for Healthy Watersheds,” the forum’s speakers focused on collaboration among agencies and citizens—and the need to look upstream when thinking about watershed restoration. Speakers hit on issues including the effect of forest thinning projects on downstream waters, restoration in the Valles Caldera National Preserve and restoration projects in the Middle Rio Grande.

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2010 New Mexico Entrepreneur Summit

Please see attached for the upcoming 2010 NM Entrepreneur Summit, October 14-15th at the Embassy Suites in Albuquerque. Register on EVOLVE is hosted by The NM Economic Development Department and the NM Department of Workforce Solutions.

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NM Prescribed Fire Council Meeting

The first meeting of the New Mexico Prescribed Fire Council is October 21, 2010 in Albuquerque, NM. The Council strives to make the use of prescribed fire safer and more accepted for all practitioners. See link for more details.

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80 Percent of Global Water Supplies at Risk

80 Percent of Global Water Supplies at Risk

River biodiversity and our water security are in serious trouble, according to a comprehensive survey of waterways released yesterday. At risk are the water supplies of nearly 80 percent of humanity, and two-thirds of the world's river habitats.

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Register Now for the 6th Annual Gila River Festival!

Guided Field Trips, Beginning Birding Class, River Lecture Series, WNMU Behind-the-Scenes Museum Tour, Wild and Scenic Environmental Film Festival, Workshops, And much more!

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Tribal Climate Change Newsletter
Welcome to ITEP's Tribal Climate Change Newsletter. This monthly newsletter provides news items, resources, announcements about funding opportunities, conferences, and training, and other information relevant to tribal climate change issues.
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