New Mexico Prescribed Fire Council first organizational/annual meeting
The New Mexico Prescribed Fire Council strives to make the use of prescribed fire in New Mexico safer and more accepted for all practitioners.
Join us to help solve your prescribed fire needs: fire training courses, networking, limit liability, right to burn legislation, education and outreach products, etc. We are having our meeting on October 21, 2010 from 0900 to 1200 at the Albuquerque Fire Department’s Fire Academy off West Central Ave. in Albuquerque (see map) to develop the organization, write vision and mission statements, discuss overall strategies and develop a scope of work.
Draft Mission Statement: Making the use of prescribed fire in New Mexico safer and more accepted for all practitioners.
Proposed Committees Standing committees will be the work horses of the Council. We encourage all members to participate in at least one committee. They are: Education and Outreach, Liability, Government Relations, Implementation and Standards, and Training.
Fork Fire, 2005 Gila National Forest