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New Mexico Forest and Watershed Health Information Clearinghouse News

Madrean Conference 2018 - Call For Proposals

Call for proposals for "Biodiversity and Management of the Madrean Archipelago Conference", May 14-18, 2018 in Tucson, Arizona

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2018 CFRP Annual Workshop in Santa Fe on January 10-11th

Collaborative Forest Restoration Program also released the 2018 RFA

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5th Annual Cross-Watershed Network (XWN) Workshop

Save the Date: April 4-5, 2018. Hosted by Save Our Bosque Task Force in Socorro, NM

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RFP for Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration 2018 Grant Program

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and the Wildlife Habitat Council, in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, USDA Forest Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, FedEx, and Southern Company are pleased to solicit applications for the 2018 Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration program.

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Notice: Public Comment Period Extended to 12/19/17 for Rio Ruidoso UAA

Public invited to comment on proposed changes to water quality standards for Lower Rio Ruidoso and Upper Tio Hondo

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Considerations for Local Oil and Gas Regulatory Ordinances

Lecture by Dr. Bob Wessely - SciSo. Part of Fall 2017 Series "Water and Energy in NM: Conversations on our Common Future."

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Modeling Impacts of Energy Development on Water Resources in New Mexico

Lecture by Katie Zemlick, Civil Engineering, UNM. Part of Fall 2017 series "Water and Energy in NM: Conversations on our Common Future."

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Nominations sought for 2018 Wildfire Mitigation Awards

The International Association of Fire Chiefs , National Association of State Foresters, National Fire Protection Association and USDA Forest Service are now accepting nominations for the 2018 Wildfire Mitigation Awards. Nominations are due November 10, 2017.

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Training opportunity THIS SATURDAY, June 10th!! Home hazard assessment training and woodland restoration workshop!

Join Krys Nystrom of the Wildfire Network, Jan-Willem Jansens of Ecotone Landscape Planning, and Zander Evans of the Forest Stewards Guild for a wildfire home hazard risk assessment training and tour of a woodland restoration project in the Wildland Urban Interface. The training will take place at a private residence and to limit parking issues we will be meeting at 9:45 am the Atalaya Lower Trailhead parking lot off of Camino de Cruz Blanca in the St. John's College parking lot. To find out more about the event please call Zander Evans at 505-603-2550 or

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NM Prescribed Fire Council announces its Rx Fire Trailer!

The NM Rx Fire Council has put together a trailer with all the equipment required to conduct a prescribed burn. Contact the Council if you would like to rent the trailer for your next burn project.

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DroughtView: Combining on-the-ground know-how with remotely sensed data to assess drought impacts

Webinar presented by Jeremy Weiss, Climate and Geospatial Extension Scientist at the University of Arizona, and hosted by the Desert Landscape Conservation Cooperative.

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New Video! Farms are the Future in New Mexico

new video about people working to protect wildlife-friendly farmland in the Middle Rio Grande

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Terry Conley named 2016 Western Region Outstanding Logger

March 10, 2017 News release from the NM Forest Industry Association

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New Mexico First Opens Nominations for the 2017 Spirit of Bipartisanship Awards

New Mexico First Opens Nominations for the 2017 Spirit of Bipartisanship Awards

The 2017 Spirit of Bipartisanship Award honors lawmakers or community leaders who put good policy above partisan politics! Nominate a leader you think is a role model for cross-party collaboration in areas such as health, education, economy or environment. Your nominee can work at state, local or federal levels. You can recommend an individual or a bipartisan duo! Nomination deadline: March 31, 2017.

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Nature Conservancy helping to revive the timber industry

KOAT TV features benefits of forest treatments supported through the Rio Grande Water Fund

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Southern Rockies LCC Webinar on Riparian Restoration - Jan 17

Meg White of The Nature Conservanciy will present on "Vegetative and Geomorphic Complexity at Tributary Junctions on the Colorado and Dolores Rivers: A Blueprint for Riparian Restoration"

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USDA kicks off webinar series on drought and water challenges

The USDA Office of Sustainability and Climate Change posted a 2-hour introduction to upcoming opportunities related to drought and water challenges. The aim is to engage Forest Service employees and partners in planning for and adapting to the impacts of drought and other water challenges in the face of a changing climate.

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Tribal Climate Change Newsletter
Welcome to ITEP's Tribal Climate Change Newsletter. This monthly newsletter provides news items, resources, announcements about funding opportunities, conferences, and training, and other information relevant to tribal climate change issues.
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