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2018 Malpai Borderlands Group Science Conference

January 14, 2018 in Rodeo, NM

The 2018 Malpai Borderlands Group Science Conference will be held Thursday, January 4th, 2018, at 9:30 a.m. at the Geronimo Event Center just north of Rodeo, New Mexico.  Lunch will be available for purchase at the Event Center, as well as at several local venues (the Rodeo Tavern, Rodeo Grocery and the Portal Store).  The Event Center is located on NM Hwy 80 about two miles north of the town of Rodeo.  It is a 50-minute drive from Douglas, Arizona, and about the same from Lordsburg, New Mexico.

                                                                                 2018 Science Conference

Malpai Borderlands Group

January 4, 2018

Geronimo Event Center

Rodeo, New Mexcio

 9:00 AM         Welcome and Introductions:  Rich Winkler, Executive Director, Malpai Borderlands Group

 9:15 AM         Keynote:  Bill McDonald, Past Executive Director, Malpai Borderlands Group

 10:15 AM       Food Security and Food Webs in Southeastern Arizona and Southwestern New Mexico, Ken Meter, Crossroads Resource Center

 11:30 AM       How We Know: Long-term Monitoring, Experiments, and Change in Desert Grasslands.  Brandon Bestelmeyer, Supervisory Scientist


USDA-ARS Range Management Research Unit, Jornada Experimental Range, New Mexico State University.

 12:15 PM       Lunch Break

 1:45 PM         Woody Plant Encroachment and Brush Management in the Context of Ecosystem Services.  Steve Archer, School of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Arizona.           

2:30 PM         Ecological Site Information as a Drought Adaptation Tool on Rangelands, Amber Wyndham, NRCS MLRA Soil Survey, Pueblo, Colorado

 3:15 PM         Evaluating Strategies for Sustainable Intensification on U.S.  Rangelands Through the Long-Term Agroecosystem Research Network.  Sheri Spiegal, Jornada Experimental Range, USDA.

  4:00 PM         Adjourn

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