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Can Crayfish and Creek Chub Sustain Otters in the Mora River by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Jul 17, 2019 01:36 PM
River otters have been successfully reintroduced to other NM rivers. If the Mora River is similar to these systems, then the biomass & production rate of fish and crayfish will sustain the min. river otter dietary requirements.
Pinon and Juniper Encroachment Impacts on Shortgrass Prairie Ecosystems by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Jul 17, 2019 01:14 PM
How does woody shrub encroachment influence plant diversity, vegetation cover and community service?
Native Seed Restoration Project by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Jul 17, 2019 01:06 PM
This service learning partnership with RMNWR provides information about native plant species germination percentages and conditions that plants encounter. Rio Mora can use this information begin their restoration with a seed mix that is successful and resilient in the local habitat.
Do Pinon and Juniper Shrubs Out-Compete Herbaceous Vegetation? by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Jul 17, 2019 01:01 PM
With an open landscape and semiarid climate, short grass prairies support unique biodiversity, including bison, songbirds and a variety of grass species.
Plan to Increase American Beaver Populations at Rio Mora National Wildlife Refuge, NM by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Jul 17, 2019 11:48 AM
Plan to Increase American Beaver Populations at Rio Mora National Wildlife Refuge, NM Goals: Grow beaver population in Rio Mora National Wildlife Refuge to 20; Improve and expand habitat; Deter bison from beaver habitat
Gunnison's Prairie Dog Reintroduction at Rio Mora National Wildlife Refuge by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Jul 17, 2019 11:26 AM
Plan to reintroduce Gunnison's Prairie Dog reintroduction at the Rio Mora National Wildlife Refuge.
Conservation Genetics In A Bison-Cattle Hybrid Herd At Rio Mora National Wildlife Refuge by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Jun 27, 2019 10:24 AM
• American Bison (Bison bison) are a keystone species in prairie grassland ecosystems. • Bison experienced a severe genetic bottleneck in the late 1800s and their numbers declined drastically. • The species recovered from the bottleneck and now there are more than 500,000 bison today. • Hybridization with cattle has threatened bison fitness and genetic adaptations necessary for survival in North American grassland habitats. • Bison are found in both Federal and private herds around North America. Objectives: • Identify bison individuals located at Rio Mora NWR that have genetic evidence of cattle introgression in mitochondrial DNA. • Identify lineages in the bison herd at the Rio Mora NWR.
Low-Cost Seedlings Available for Spring Planting by Joseph Badash, last updated: Apr 12, 2019 03:50 PM
SANTA FE, NM – Thousands of seedlings are still available for purchase through the New Mexico State Forestry (NMSF) Conservation Seedling Program. Species include Ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir, bur oak, prairie sky poplar, chokecherry, desert mountain mahogany, woods rose and many more! The deadline to order online is April 12, 2019.
Open Space and Green Infrastructure by Susan Rich, last updated: Apr 02, 2019 10:35 AM
After Wildfire: Planning for the Next Big One (For Download) by Joseph Badash, last updated: Mar 08, 2019 02:09 PM
The fourth of four (4) recorded PowerPoint presentations given during the "Preparing For Large Wildfires in New Mexico" workshop series, April 2018.
Why Wildfires Keep Getting Bigger (for Download) by Joseph Badash, last updated: Mar 08, 2019 01:56 PM
The first of four (4) recorded PowerPoint presentations given during the "Preparing for Large Wildfires in New Mexico" workshop series, April 2018.
Understanding Large Fire Management in New Mexico (for Download) by Joseph Badash, last updated: Feb 25, 2019 07:13 PM
The third of four (4) recorded PowerPoint presentations given during the "Preparing For Large Wildfires in New Mexico" workshop series, April 2018. Downloadable file.
After Wildfire: Planning for the Next Big One (PowerPoint presentation) by Susan Rich, last updated: Feb 25, 2019 07:11 PM
PowerPoint presentation presented by Mary Stuever, NM State Forestry Chama District Forester at Preparing for Large Wildfires in New Mexico workshop series, April 2018.
After Wildfire Guide: Planning for the Next Big One (PDF) by Susan Rich, last updated: Feb 25, 2019 06:57 PM
PowerPoint presentation (PDF version). Presented by Mary Stuever, NM State Forestry Chama District Forester at Preparing for Large Wildfires in New Mexico workshop series, April 2018.
Finding Solutions Through Collaboration: New Mexico's All About Watersheds Portal (PowerPoint presentation) by Susan Rich, last updated: Feb 25, 2019 06:54 PM
The second of four (4) recorded PowerPoint presentations given during the "Preparing For Large Wildfires in New Mexico" workshop series, April 2018.This is the recorded PowerPoint version presented by Mary Stuever. This was the second presentation in the 3-hour workshop.
Finding Solutions Through Collaboration: New Mexico's All About Watersheds Portal (PDF) by Susan Rich, last updated: Feb 25, 2019 06:28 PM
One of five presentations given as part of the "Preparing for Large Wildfires in New Mexico" workshop, April 2018
Why Wildfires Keep Getting Bigger: an Introduction to Wildland Fires in New Mexico (PowerPoint presentation) by Mary Stuever, last updated: Feb 25, 2019 06:26 PM
This is just the PowerPoint slides, no recording: The opening presentation to the 3-hour "Preparing for Large Wildfires in New Mexico" workshop. We cover fire ecology, fire regimes, and the need for mitigation.
Why Wildfires Keep Getting Bigger: an Introduction to Wildland Fires in New Mexico (PDF) by Susan Rich, last updated: Feb 25, 2019 06:23 PM
PowerPoint presentation (PDF version). Presented by Mary Stuever, NM State Forestry Chama District Forester at Preparing for Large Wildfires in New Mexico workshop series, April 2018.
Finding Solutions Through Collaboration: New Mexico's All About Watersheds Portal (for Download) by Joseph Badash, last updated: Feb 25, 2019 06:05 PM
The second of four (4) recorded PowerPoint presentations given during the "Preparing For Large Wildfires in New Mexico" workshop series, April 2018.
Understanding Large Fire Management in New Mexico (PDF) by Susan Rich, last updated: Feb 25, 2019 06:01 PM
PowerPoint presentation (PDF version). Presented by Mary Stuever, NM State Forestry Chama District Forester at Preparing for Large Wildfires in New Mexico workshop series, April 2018.
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