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Restoring Composition.. Part 6 of 6: Putting it all Together: The Bluewater Case Study by Joseph Badash, last updated: Sep 06, 2019 10:29 AM
Managers with the USDA Forest Service collaborated with various partners to apply the restoration framework in a ponderosa pine forest on the Cibola National Forest, New Mexico.
Restoring Composition.. Part 4 of 6: Considerations for Implementation of the Management Framework by Joseph Badash, last updated: Sep 06, 2019 10:29 AM
Implementing the restoration framework for frequent-fire forests (RMRS-GTR-310) requires a new approach to management.
Restoring Composition.. Part 2 of 6: Expected Benefits and Outcomes of Restoration by Joseph Badash, last updated: Sep 06, 2019 10:28 AM
Restoring key compositional and structural characteristics of frequent-fire forests can result in a variety of ecological, social, and economic benefits.
Restoring Composition.. Part 1 of 6: The Impetus for Ecological Restoration by Joseph Badash, last updated: Sep 06, 2019 10:28 AM
Ecological restoration represents a promising new way of thinking about management in frequent-fire forests of the Southwest.
Restoring Composition.. Part 3 of 6: Key Elements of Southwestern Frequent Fire Forests by Joseph Badash, last updated: Sep 06, 2019 10:26 AM
Ecological restoration of frequent-fire forests is facilitated by emphasizing key compositional and structural characteristics of these forests.
Ute Park Fire Recovery Drone Video DJI_0291 by Joseph Badash, last updated: Sep 06, 2019 10:25 AM
Ute Park Fire Recovery Drone Video DJI_0210 by Joseph Badash, last updated: Aug 27, 2019 03:24 AM
Genetic Structure and Hybridization of the Northern Leopard Frog (Lithobates Pipiens) along the Mora watershed in northern New Mexico by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Jul 17, 2019 05:38 PM
Genetic Structure and Hybridization of the Northern Leopard Frog (Lithobates Pipiens) along the Mora watershed in northern New Mexico
Livestock grazing limits beaver restoration in northern New Mexico by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Jul 17, 2019 05:25 PM
Despite intensive efforts to reintroduce beavers into areas where they are severely reduced in numbers or eliminated due to over-harvesting in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, beavers remain sparse or or missing from many stream reaches. In this study, beaver dams mostly occurred at sites that were not grazed or where there was some alternative grazing management, but were mostly absent at sites within Forest Service cattle allotments. Results indicated that cattle grazing influenced the relation between vegetation variables and beaver presence. We recommend that beaver restoration will require changes to current livestock management practices.
Ecological and Social Consequences of Collaborative Bison Reintroduction in the Western U.S. by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Jul 17, 2019 04:58 PM
This study focuses on evaluating the status and impact of collaborative conversation groups in the US
The Impacts of the Invasive American Bullfrog by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Jul 17, 2019 04:48 PM
The invasion of the American Bullfrog leads to the loss of native biodiversity and can eventually drive some species into extinction. The American Bullfrog were established in the RMNWR in Northern New Mexico during the last century.
Theses and Dissertations by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Jul 17, 2019 04:48 PM
Graduate student research from various institutions.
Removal of Invasive Bullfrogs and Their Impact on Ecosystem Trophic Levels by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Jul 17, 2019 03:57 PM
Comparing locations where invasive Bullfrogs have been eradicated with locations where populations density was unaltered, invasive Crayfish population abundance and structure is analyzed due to the great deal of predation pressure from Bullfrogs.
Rio Mora National Wildlife Refuge habitat suitability status for the reintroduction of the North American river otter (Lontra canadensis) by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Jul 17, 2019 03:57 PM
An exploration of the hypothesis that because river otters have been successfully reintroduced in other New Mexican rivers, the Mora River will also likely be a suitable ecosystem for their reintroduction.
Evaluated Soil Texture to Determine Water Retention Sites on the Rio Mora National Wildlife Refuge by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Jul 17, 2019 03:57 PM
At Rio Mora National Wildlife Refuge there has been considerable decrease in water storage within the soil, a lower water table, and the loss of critical riparian and ephemeral wetlands due to extensive alterations to the river which accomodated agricultural needs of the past.
Quantifying a Novel Method of Grassland Restoration Using the Plug and Spread Treatment in a Shortgrass Prairie System in Northern New Mexico by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Jul 17, 2019 03:57 PM
North American shortgrass prairie decline may be exacerbated by drought, monsoons, and intense brief storms caused by climate change. The Plug and Spread treatment is a novel approach to restore grasslands by utilizing seasonal runoff that increases surface hydrologic connectivity disrupted by human activies on the landscape.
Southwestern Willow Flycatcher: A Species Conservation Plan for Rio Mora National Wildlife Refuge by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Jul 17, 2019 03:56 PM
A Conservation plan for the endangered species Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, including background, ecological significance, objectives and goals, and outreach opportunities.
Assessing, Quatifying and Monitoring Arroyo Restoration at Rio Mora NWR by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Jul 17, 2019 03:56 PM
Quantifying the restoration of hydrologic processes in rehabilitated arroyos, as well as quantifying the conditions created by restoration efforts for native flora and fauna.
Assessing Habitat Quality in Restored Arroyos at Rio Mora National Wildlife Refuge by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Jul 17, 2019 03:56 PM
Arroyo restoration at Rio Mora National Wildlife Refuge provides a case study where these degraded systems are restored into viable habitat.
A Multi-Scale Visualization and Exploration of the Mora Watershed, New Mexico by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Jul 17, 2019 03:56 PM
Lessons and lab exercises were developed that illustrate techniques for delineating watersheds and drainages using topographic maps and digital elevation models. These exercises include techniques for visualizing and summarizing properties of watersheds such as longitudinal profiles, cross section, and land cover. Additional exercises covering the basics of geographic information systems and the use of online and webapps are being developed.
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