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New Mexico Forest and Watershed Health Information Clearinghouse News
National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter February 21 2020

National Association of State Foresters Weekly Newsletter February 21 2020

This week in #forestry and #wildlandfire news from across the country and around the world!

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Low-Cost Seedlings Available for Spring Planting

Low-Cost Seedlings Available for Spring Planting

SANTA FE, NM – Thousands of seedlings are still available for purchase through the New Mexico State Forestry (NMSF) Conservation Seedling Program. Species include Ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir, bur oak, prairie sky poplar, chokecherry, desert mountain mahogany, woods rose and many more! The deadline to order online is April 12, 2019.

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Five Star Urban Waters Grants Awarded to Rocky Mountain Youth Corps Project in New Mexico

Five Star Urban Waters Grants Awarded to Rocky Mountain Youth Corps Project in New Mexico

With support from EPA, community-led projects will restore urban waters and streams, address water quality in priority watersheds

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Fire restrictions and closures to remain in place to reduce the risk of human caused fires

Albuquerque, NM, June 19, 2018 – While some portions of Cibola National Forest and National Grasslands received up to two inches of rain last weekend, it was not enough to lower the fire danger significantly. Forest fuels are quickly drying out again and the extended weather forecast calls for continued very hot and dry conditions. A substantial amount of precipitation will be needed before the current fire restrictions can be lifted. To reduce the risk of human caused fires and to ensure the safety of fire fighters, the public, and our precious natural resources, please observe the following restrictions: • The Mountainair Ranger District will remain in full closure, including all Forest Service roads, trails, and picnic areas. • The Sandia Ranger District remains closed, including all Forest Service roads, trails, and picnic areas except for Foothills Trail #365, the Sandia Peak Tram, and the Sandia Ranger District Administrative site which includes the Tijeras Pueblo, trail, and programs. • Stage II fire restrictions remain in place on the Mount Taylor and Magdalena Ranger Districts and the Kiowa-Rita Blanca National Grasslands. To learn more about New Mexico fire restrictions, visit . Fire updates are also posted on the New Mexico Fire Information website at

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Bureau of Reclamation, NM Interstate Stream Commission begin planning phase for NM Unit of Central Arizona Project

public notice re: 8 upcoming scoping meetings starting July 12, 2018. Comments due July 20.

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Save the Date! 6th International Fire Behaviour & Fuels Conference April 29-May 3, 2019

One conference in three locations. The conference theme is "Fuels of Today – Fire Behavior of Tomorrow" Understanding Fire Behavior and Fuels for Sound Decision Making and Effective Management.

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BIA Resilience Funding Opportunity for Tribal Projects

Funding available for tribal projects that support tribal resiliency

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Funding Opportunity: BIA Resilience Funding Opportunity for Tribal Organizations

Availability of funding for tribal projects that support tribal resilience

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ONRT and Federal Agencies Release Final Restoration Plan for Environmental Damage at Chevron Mining Inc., Questa Site

News Update about the released the final Restoration Plan and Environmental Assessment (“final RP/EA”) for the Chevron Mining Inc. Questa Mine (“Site”).

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Webinar: BIA RFP Tribal Resilience and Ocean and Coastal Management and Planning

Please join us for an informational webinar to learn more about the recently released announcement of available funding through the Bureau of Indian Affairs' Tribal Resilience Program. During this webinar, BIA will discuss the current Request for Proposals - Tribal Resilience and Ocean and Coastal Management and Planning. After the presentation, there will be a question and answer session.

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Sharing Innovations for Sharing a River

Sharing Innovations for Sharing a River

Update on the Río Grande / Río Bravo Binational Water Forum

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Reno Conference: Share Your Feedback!

Share your feedback on the 2018 Cohesive Strategy Workshop in Reno. We received great feedback on site and in the evaluations we've received so far. If you haven't already taken the workshop evaluation, please do so, we value your input. We plan to have another workshop in 2019, we will be announcing the date and location soon. We hope to see you there.

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Seminar: Post-Wildfire Flooding - think ahead of the fire

Join us for the third seminar in the Spring Seminar Series for Fireshed Awareness Season. Royce Fontenot, a Senior Service Hydrologist for NOAA/National Weather Service (NWS) will present on post-wildfire flooding, debris flow and flash flooding, and how to get the NWS warnings. Mannie Lopez with the U.S Geological Survey will present on post-fire flooding in Santa Fe Municipal watershed.

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Seminar: Smoke Impacts:Wildfire vs. controlled fire & how to reduce smoke impacts in your home

Come visit the Greater Santa Fe Fireshed Coalition at the next seminar on April 18th at 6pm at REI on smoke impacts. Josh Hall the Air & Water Quality Specialist for the US Forest Service will present on the difference between wildfire and prescribed fire smoke and their impacts, and Sam Berry from the Forest Stewards Guild will present an opportunity to rent a HEPA filter for free for people with smoke sensitivity.

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Preparing for Large Wildfires In New Mexico - Hernandez Workshop, April 23

#2 in a series of workshops designed for agency personnel and community leaders involved in planning and emergency response. Presenters will introduce participants to tools that can help them better prepare their communities for wildfire and post-fire flooding and debris flows.

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FOREST BOUND: A free immersion and conservation training opportunity for youth

FOREST BOUND is a FREE native plant ecology training program for high school age youth, utilizing the Native Plant Curriculum, From Ponderosa to Prickly Pear, developed by the Institute for Applied Ecology.

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New Mexico Water Supply Update Briefing

January 26, 2018 briefing by National Weather Service Hydrologist Royce Fontenot

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Think Trees Conference - January 18 & 19, 2018

An Urban Tree Care Conference in Albuquerque, NM. ISA Certification and other professional CEU credits.

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Land and Water Summit 2018

The Ripple Effect: Stormwater and Tree Canopy

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Also in this section

EPA Climate Change and Water News
U.S. EPA News EPA's Climate Ready Water Utilities Initiative Announces Webinar Series
FEMA Declares Disaster for Santa Clara Pueblo Over Devastating July Floods
Santa Clara Pueblo has been declared a disaster for devastating storms and flooding that occurred in July, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced on Friday September 27.
New Mexico Governor proposes Investment in Water Infrastructure
New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez is floating a $112 million proposal she says would give the state greater security when it comes to drinking water resources. Martinez unveiled her plan to invest capital outlay funds in water infrastructure during a stop in Albuquerque on Tuesday.
Tribal Climate Change Newsletter
Welcome to ITEP's Tribal Climate Change Newsletter. This monthly newsletter provides news items, resources, announcements about funding opportunities, conferences, and training, and other information relevant to tribal climate change issues.
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