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New Mexico Forest and Watershed Health Information Clearinghouse News

2012 Was Warmest and Second Most Extreme Year On Record for the Contiguous U.S.

An article from Science Daily, published Jan 8, 2013, which states "According to NOAA scientists, 2012 marked the warmest year on record for the contiguous United States with the year consisting of a record warm spring, second warmest summer, fourth warmest winter and a warmer-than-average autumn."

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Desert Technology International Conference 11

This is the 11th in a series of Desert Technology conferences since 1991. These conferences focus on desertification issues & multidisciplinary solutions such as special characteristics and benefits of desert ecosystems, mechanism of desertification and its management, and appropriate technologies for developed and developing regions.

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Albuquerque Wildlife Federation January 2013 Newsletter

This newsletter contains information on AWF's monthly meeting, 2013 Project Schedule, grey wolves, and Caldera t-shirt sale.

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Webinar: Temperature potent driver of forest drought & tree mortality

"Temperature as a potent driver of regional forest drought stress & tree mortality" presented by the Southwest Fire Science Consortium. Dr. Park Williams will discuss his recent work to derive a forest drought-stress index (FDSI) for the southwestern United States using a comprehensive tree-ring data set representing AD 1000–2007.

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Chama Peak Land Alliance Newsletter January 2013

The Chama Peak Land Alliance (CPLA) has some exciting news in 2013 and unique opportunities for area landowners to apply for habitat restoration funding and feed their cows with a SKA brewing mash that is high in protein and carbohydrates! We look forward to working with you this year to accomplish our goals of sound land management in the southern San Juans of Colorado and New Mexico.

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New Mexico Tree Farm Newsletter Winter 2012

This newsletter is published by the New Mexico Tree Farm Committee.

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Little Colorado River Annual Winter Watershed Conference

This is the 6th Annual Winter Watershed Conference hosted by the Little Colorado River Plateau Resource Conservation & Development Area Inc. It includes workshops on Potash, Arizona state politics, natural resources, forestry, and local generating stations. Register here:

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Paseo del Norte Watershed Council

The mission of the Paso del Norte Watershed Council (Council) is to investigate, develop, and recommend options for watershed planning and management and to explore how water-related resources can best be balanced to benefit the Rio Grande ecosystem and the interests of all watershed stakeholders. The annual meeting of the Paso del Norte Watershed Council will be held Friday January 18th in Las Cruces, NM. All interested stakeholders are welcome.

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Multi-State Salinity Coalition 2013 Summit

The goal of the MSSC is to effectively foster communication and dialogue on related desalination and salinity management-related policy matters through quarterly meetings, correspondence, and the development, sponsorship and presentation of an annual national desalination and salinity management summit for local, regional, and national leaders.

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Water Resources Research Council Annual Conference: Registration Now Open!

Join us for an outstanding program addressing issues critical to securing our water future, from groundwater sustainability, to environmental implications of stressed water supplies, to policy options for local, regional, and federal decision-makers. Organized in partnership with the U.S. Geological Survey, the conference is open to everyone with an interest in ensuring a reliable and sustainable water supply for our future.

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Environmental Flows Bulletin December 2012

In this issue of Environmental Flows Bulletin, the Utton Center presents stories from three of the state's most important rivers: the Rio Grande, the Gila, and the Pecos. We also offer voices and perspectives critical to understanding the complexity of water in New Mexico-and the challenges the state faces in a time of drought and climate change.

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Albuquerque Wildlife Federation December 2012 Newsletter

The Albuquerque Wildlife Federation's newsletter for December, 2012, includes information on volunteer projects for 2013, annual membership, and recent news bulletins of interest.

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EPA Climate Change and Water News 11/2012

Including topics such as Early Registration for 2013 Climate Leadership Conference, website on Hurricane Sandy Response & Recovery, report on 'Opportunities to Advance Sustainability in California's Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program', Registration for December 4th Symposium on the Importance of Water to the U.S. Economy, video "EPA Scientists at Work: Managing Sewer Overflows with Green Infrastructure", and lease of Delaware offshore wind.

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Undergrad Internship at Smithsonian Museum of Natural History

Natural History Research Experiences (NHRE) is a 10-week summer internship program hosted at the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC.

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Albuquerque Wildlife Federation November 2012 Newsletter

Newsletter with information on recent projects, December meeting & holiday potluck, and membership application.

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Association for Fire Ecology Congress

The Association for Fire Ecology presents the 5th Annual Fire Ecology and Management Congress: Uniting Research, Education, and Management

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Federal Forest Resource Coalition Weekly Report

Newsletter for the week of November 9, 2012, including an election summary & headlines: "Bipartisan Group of Senators Call for Better Forest Management", "Peterson Calls for Quick Farm Bill Action", "In Shocking Development, Thinning Project Tames Fire Behavior", "Washington GOP Members Call for Better Forest Management", "Francis Marion NF Begins Plan Revision"

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Fire Science now available on mobile is your one-stop source to access fire science information, resources and funding announcements for scientists, fire practitioners and decision makers. Now it is available on your mobile device, including all Scribd articles. (Main site:

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Leadership Transition at Quivira Coalition

On November 1, 2012, the Board formally appointed Avery C. Anderson as Quivira’s new Executive Director! Courtney will assume the title of Founder and Creative Director and will focus on fundraising, writing and outreach activities.

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Malpai Borderlands Group 2013 Science Conference

The Annual MBG Conference will include workshops such as Landscape Restoration in Chihuahuan Desert Shrub/Grasslands, Economics of Federal Fire Policy, Status of the Mexican Wolf Recovery Program, Prairie dogs and cattle interactions, Forest Insects, and Preservation Archaeology Around the Chiricahuas. Presenters come from a wide range of disciplines and backgrounds, including the Forest Service, USDA, US Fish & Wildlife Service, and multiple professors of domestic and international schools. Keynote Speaker: The Bureau of Land Management’s “Restore New Mexico” Program. Jesse J. Juen, State Director, BLM New Mexico

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Tribal Climate Change Newsletter
Welcome to ITEP's Tribal Climate Change Newsletter. This monthly newsletter provides news items, resources, announcements about funding opportunities, conferences, and training, and other information relevant to tribal climate change issues.
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