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New Mexico Forest and Watershed Health Information Clearinghouse News

Groundwater level declines in the Hatch-Rincon and Mesilla valleys, 2010-2012

Presentation by Erek Fuchs, Elephant Butte Irrigation District

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2013 Crawford Symposium

A conference and celebration to share research and ideas about the New Mexico bosque and landscape. This is an event for upper school/college students and professionals to promote information sharing, networking and action to help create a sustainable future

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MS4 Stakeholders Meeting, Feb. 26, 2013

Meeting with EPA and stakeholders for update on proposed permit requirements.

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New report describes effects of climate change on U.S. forests

Wednesday, February 6, 2013 - This week the U.S. Forest Service released the Effects of Climatic Variability and Change on Forest Ecosystems report. The report warns that big changes are in store for the nation’s forests as global warming increases wildfires and insect infestations, and generates more frequent floods and droughts. The compilation of more than 1,000 scientific studies is part of the National Climate Assessment and will serve as a roadmap for managing national forests across the country in coming years. Along with more fires and insect infestations, forests will see more flooding, erosion and sediment going into streams, where it chokes fish habitat. More droughts will make wildfires, insect infestations, and the spread of invasive species even worse.

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San Juan Watershed Group Newsletter, January 2013

The San Juan Watershed Group has released it's January 2013 newsletter.

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Divining Rod Newsletter January 2013 (NM Water Resources Research Institute)

The Divining Rod newsletter is provided by the NM Water Resources Research Institute).

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American Water Resources Association Healthy Forests = Healthy Waters Conference Abstracts

The AWRA Conference, titled "Healthy Forests = Healthy Waters", is accepting abstracts until FEBRUARY 8, 2013. The conference itself will be held June 27-28, 2013. The conference sessions will be relevant to water managers, aquatic biologists/ecologists, planners, engineers, forestland managers, economists, consultants, water purveyors and industrial users of water.

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American Water Resources Association Environmental Flows Conference Abstracts

The AWRA 2013 Conference, titled "Environmental Flows", is accepting abstracts until FEBRUARY 8, 2013. The conference itself is June 24-25, 2013. The objective of the conference is to offer a professional forum on the latest issues concerning the research, policy, and application of establishing environmental flows.

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Save the Date: Riparian Restoration Workshop

The Riparian Restoration Workshop is being held in Las Cruces, NM, on February 26th.

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Env Dept Requests Public Comment on Water Quality Changes

The Environment Department requests public comment on a report supporting water quality standards changes to Smelter Tailings Soils Investigation Unit Drainages within the Chino Mine Investigation Area, Grant County, New Mexico.

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Texas Sues New Mexico over Rio Grande

This is an updated article on Texas' lawsuit against New Mexico regarding the allocation of water regulated at Elephant Butte Reservoir, posted in the Albuquerque Journal by local environmental journalist John Fleck.

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Annual New Mexico Rural Water Association Spring Conference

The 35th New Mexico Rural Water Association Spring Conference is designed for attendees and exhibitor to be able to learn about new industry trends, services, and products. The conference features high quality classes, workshops, and hands-on training sessions.

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Annual Joint Meeting: NM/AZ Wildlife Society & American Fisheries Society

This year's Joint Annual Meeting of the New Mexico and Arizona chapters of the Wildlife Society and the American Fisheries Society will be focused on the topic "Ecosystem Thresholds: Fire, Water, & Climate".

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Clearing the Waters Newsletter Winter 2012

This is the latest Clearing the Waters Newsletter, produced by the New Mexico Environment Department.

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Request for Proposal for Controlled Burning of Salt Cedar on Pecos River

A Request for Proposal is being issued by The Texas A&M System Office of Sponsored Research Services for Controlled burning of Salt Cedar along the Pecos River.

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Draft Wildlife Restoration Plan & EA for Cobre Tyrone Mine Released

The Draft RP/EA evaluates potential restoration projects that will restore, replace or acquire the equivalent of wildlife and wildlife habitat that were injured by the release of hazardous substances from the three mines.

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Call for Presentations: 2013 Society of American Foresters Conference

We invite you to offer a paper or poster at the 2013 Convention to inform the conversation and to ensure that our profession and its practitioners continue to ensure sustainable forests and protect the values they provide for the nation.

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Xeriscape Annual Water Conservation Conference

The 18th Annual Water Conservation Conference: Our Water, Our Future: Communication and Cooperation Across Disciplines, organized by the Xeriscape Council of New Mexico.

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Bioregional Outdoor Education Project 10th Annual Conference

Bringing It Home: Elements of Effective Diverse Education is the Bioregional Outdoor Education Project 10th Annual Conference, held in conjunction with iUtah EPSCoR. This conference is an annual event to bring together teachers, and other educators from the Colorado Plateau Bioregion, to learn bioregionally focused, place-based, hands on, cross-curricular, outdoor education lessons.

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Call for Papers & Posters for International Nondestructive Wood Symposium

Deadline coming on call for papers and posters for the 18th International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium. The 18th International Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood Symposium to be held on September 24-27, 2013 in Madison, WI is a forum for those involved in nondestructive testing and evaluation of wood, wood-based materials and products. Abstract Submission: FEBRUARY 1, 2013

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Tribal Climate Change Newsletter
Welcome to ITEP's Tribal Climate Change Newsletter. This monthly newsletter provides news items, resources, announcements about funding opportunities, conferences, and training, and other information relevant to tribal climate change issues.
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