Building Economic Opportunity through Forest Restoration:A Partnership between the Alamo Navajo School Board, Inc. and the New Mexico Forest and Watershed Restoration Institute
In the Fall, 2010, a formal partnership was signed by the ANSBI and the NMFWRI to develop a model for business and job creation related to forest restoration by providing training in restoration monitoring, forest worker safety, harvesting processes, firewood processing, and lumber manufacturing. In addition, the partnership involved siting NMFWRI equipment with the ANSBI, including firewood processors, a 30-foot in-woods self-loading trailer; and a portable sawmill.
Status of Wildlife Monitoring for CFRP Projects:A Phone Survey of Current Grantees
Wildlife monitoring technical assistance has been available upon request to Collaborative Forest Restoration Program (CFRP) grant recipients through the New Mexico Forest and Watershed Restoration Institute (NMFWRI) and other organizations. A phone survey was conducted to (a) determine the status of wildlife monitoring on CFRP projects; (b) assess wildlife monitoring technical assistance needs; and (c) document the wildlife monitoring approaches that were being employed.