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Desert LCC Webinar for online database June 26, 2014
Springs Online Database - Sharing and Contributing Data Online Please join The Sky Island Alliance and Springs Stewardship Institute to learn about the new springs database! (Registration information below) DATE: June 26, 2014 TIME: 12:30 PM Pacific (Arizona) / 1:30 PM Mountain / 2:30 PM Central (Mexico City)
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FOREST BOUND: A free immersion and conservation training opportunity for youth
FOREST BOUND is a FREE native plant ecology training program for high school age youth, utilizing the Native Plant Curriculum, From Ponderosa to Prickly Pear, developed by the Institute for Applied Ecology.
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JOB ANNOUNCEMENT: Ecological Educator, Institute for Applied Ecology
The Institute for Applied Ecology (IAE) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to conserve native species and habitats through restoration, research and education. Our Southwest Program works in New Mexico and Arizona. We cultivate partnerships to facilitate large-scale, regional conservation projects, develop ecologically appropriate sources of native seed, provide native species education opportunities and materials, and conduct on-the-ground habitat restoration and applied research. IAE Southwest Program seeks to hire an Albuquerque-based Ecological Educator that will work with our Santa Fe office education staff to deliver the 2018 Forest Bound summer program ( ). The Forest Bound program utilizes place-based, interdisciplinary lessons from the native plant curriculum “From Ponderosa to Prickly Pear, Exploring the Native Plants of New Mexico” ( The goal of Forest Bound is to provide an opportunity for Santa Fe and Albuquerque high school students to learn about careers in natural resources and gain skills in native plant ecology in an experiential learning setting.
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Going Green to Save Green: Economic Benefits of Green Infrastructure Practices
A new series of reports on green infrastructure & low impact development methods for stormwater management in arid environments
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American Water Resources Association Environmental Flows Conference Abstracts
The AWRA 2013 Conference, titled "Environmental Flows", is accepting abstracts until FEBRUARY 8, 2013. The conference itself is June 24-25, 2013. The objective of the conference is to offer a professional forum on the latest issues concerning the research, policy, and application of establishing environmental flows.
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WildEarth Guardians Hiring 18-25 year old's at Valles Caldera
The WildEarth Guardians, in partnership with the Forest Stewards Guild, is hiring 18-25 year old's for their Valles Caldera National Preserve restoration crew. The job runs from April 25 - October 25 2016. The crew will work planting native trees, removing or building fences, felling trees for erosion control in burned areas, and noxious weed removal. This work is part of a comprehensive education and training program.
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Celebrate the Forest Stewards Guild YCC program June 2nd at the Evening in the Pines
Since its inception in 1999, the Forest Stewards Guild youth conservation corps (YCC) program in New Mexico has employed over 500 youth and achieved more than 200,000 hours of conservation service and education benefiting public lands.
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Job Posting: Restoration Monitoring Program Manager
The Restoration Monitoring Program Manager is responsible for a program that emphasizes pre‐ and post‐treatment measurements and involves land managers and organizations across the state
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RFP for Galisteo Creek Restoration Project 2014
The New Mexico Office of the State Engineer (OSE) is requesting competitive sealed proposals for the procurement of services to plan, design and construct a river restoration project on Galisteo Creek in Santa Fe County in the area of the Village of Galisteo
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Valle de Oro's Big Birthday Party
Attached are the flyers for Valle de Oro's big birthday party celebration on Saturday, September 27th from 9am-noon. Please help us spread the word! Post them at your site, share on Facebook, send out to your mailing list and give them to your friends, family and community members.
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