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Western Hardrock Watershed Team - Building Capacity through Community Involvement by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Dec 29, 2010 04:03 PM
Western Hardrock Watershed Team - how Volunteers can help build capacity, build a volunteer base, revitalize impoverished communities, and create a sustainable watershed/community group
Cultivating Community Participants to address Urban Watershed Issues at Multiple Scales by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Dec 29, 2010 04:03 PM
Watershed Management Group (WMG), a Tucson-based nonprofit, utilizes the watershed framework to engage residents by focusing 1) on the intersection of quality of life and environmental issues and 2) building capacity through hands-on implementation. WMG's programs cultivates watershed stewardship at the lot, schoolyard, neighborhood, and municipal levels to address stormwater runoff, conserve soil and water resources, as well as reducing water and energy costs, beautifying neighborhoods, and promoting local food production.
RiverXchange: Innovative, Long-Term Outreach Project Helps New Mexico Students Learn About Their Watershed and River Ecosystem by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Dec 29, 2010 04:03 PM
Workshop participants will learn about RiverXchange, an innovative, long-term outreach project that combines a hands-on curriculum, guest presenters, and computer technology to form a "high tech pen pal" partnership. Participants will actually do one of the hands-on activities, then exchange information.
Monitoring in the Santa Fe Watershed: What Have We Learned? by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Dec 29, 2010 04:03 PM
When the Forest Service proposed fuels reduction actions in the Santa Fe Watershed, the general reaction was alarm. To help build trust that ecosystem values would be protected, a group of community "Partners" set about monitoring impacts of thinning and burning. Hear about their results and ongoing studies.
Monitoring for Pharmaceuticals in the Middle Rio Grande by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Dec 29, 2010 04:03 PM
Amigos Bravos' monitoring project in the drains & ditches of the Middle Rio Grande found pharmaceuticals throughout the system. The pharmaceutical results will be assessed in the context of other New Mexico and national studies and in terms of what is known about them as "emerging contaminants."
Creating a more Successful and Sustainable Organization by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Dec 29, 2010 04:03 PM
This workshop expands on the traditional definitions of planning, marketing, and organizational development to help organizations be more potent, impactful and sustainable. Using an integrated approach, we demonstrate how focusing identity, engaging loyal constituents and aligning capacity builds a distinct and distinguishable brand. It is this brand that attracts supporters and resources to the organization.
In a Dense Wood: Forest Restoration in New Mexico by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Dec 29, 2010 04:03 PM
More than a century of grazing and fire suppression in Southwestern ponderosa pine forests has resulted in a landscape that supports many more trees than ever before. This talk will look at guidelines promoted by the NM Forest and Watershed Restoration Institute to bring forests back to historic conditions.
Watershed Restoration in Sugarite Canyon by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Dec 29, 2010 04:03 PM
The City of Raton and over 15 collaborative partners have been successfully working together to design and implement watershed restoration projects in the Sugarite watershed, north of Raton, New Mexico, since 2005. Treatment work to date has included mechanical thinning of over 2,000 acres in New Mexico and Colorado.
January 18, 2012 meeting by Sue Hansen Putze, last updated: Jan 22, 2013 03:06 PM
The minutes from the stakeholders meeting on January 18, 2012.
Romero Fire Mastication and Restoration (Ciudad SWCD) by Susan Rich, last updated: Aug 15, 2012 06:39 PM
Sandia Pueblo post-fire restoration. Includes mastication and chemical treatment plus reseeding on affected portions of 279-acres burned in 2012 Romero fire. Perimeter maps.
VSWCD Los Lunas SW Bosque Project 2012 ("Priority 5") by Susan Rich, last updated: Aug 15, 2012 06:39 PM
Proposal for 56 acres initial treatment plus 1 re-treatment. Map embedded in proposal.
VSWCD Bosque Farms North Restoration Project [New 2012] ("Priority 4") by Susan Rich, last updated: Aug 15, 2012 06:40 PM
Initial treatment on 20 acres of 33-acre site. Excludes SWWF site. Location map embedded in proposal.
VSWCD Los Lunas Carson Park WUI Project ("Priority 3") by Susan Rich, last updated: Aug 15, 2012 06:40 PM
39 acres initial treatment. Location map embedded in proposal.
VSWCD Valencia Bosque Habitat Recovery-Revegetation Project 2012-13 ("Priority 2") by Susan Rich, last updated: Aug 15, 2012 06:39 PM
Reveg proposed for 99 acres total. Includes Valencia SWCD's 2011 projects Belen sites 3 & 5 (40 acres) Tome Site (26.8 acres) and Los Lunas site (32 acres). Maps embedded in proposal.
2011 Annual Report: Estancia Basin Watershed Health and Monitoring Project by Joe Zebrowski, last updated: Apr 03, 2012 11:59 AM
2011 annual report.
Albuquerque Wildlife Federation April service project by Susan Rich, last updated: Apr 08, 2013 07:12 PM
Service Project will improve wetlands in Cebolla Canyon south of Grants, NM.
Developing adaptive silvicultural strategies in the context of climate change by Susan Rich, last updated: Apr 08, 2013 07:00 PM
This webinar by Dr. Linda Nagel discusses the adaptive silvicultural planning process to guide forest managers through the process of incorporating climate change into natural resource management. Case studies and a science-management partnership will be highlighted.
Invitation for public comment on concerns related to water quality standards by Susan Rich, last updated: Apr 08, 2013 06:55 PM
Scoping phase for Triennial Review of New Mexico’s Surface Water Quality Standards
New Mexico Forest Re-Leaf Grant Applications Now Being Accepted by Susan Rich, last updated: Apr 08, 2013 06:44 PM
New Mexico schools, universities, local, state, federal and tribal entities are encouraged to submit proposals for grant funding to plant trees. The Forest Re-Leaf Program can provide up to $6,000 for each tree planting project. The application deadline is August 21, 2013.
March 31 – April 6, 2013 Proclaimed Wildfire Awareness Week In New Mexico by Susan Rich, last updated: Apr 01, 2013 04:02 PM
News Release 4/1/13
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