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Invasive Species

Information about exotic and invasive pests and species, and noxious weeds
Clearing the Waters Fall 2009-NMED Surface Water Quality Bureau Newsletter
A quarterly newsletter produced by the Watershed Protection Section of the Surface Water Quality Bureau at the New Mexico Environment Department
Colorado State University Water Center
Newsletter - January/February 2009 - Volume 26, Issue 1
Tamarisk Leaf Beetle Distribution Map 2012
The yearly tamarisk leaf beetle distribution map is a result of monitoring partners from seven states and a multitude of funding sources.
Hanging in the Balance: Why Our Rivers Need Water and Why We Need Healthy Rivers (Audobon NM)
In June, Audubon New Mexico completed a reader-friendly brochure on environmental flows restoration. Titled "Hanging in the Balance: Why our rivers need water and why we need healthy rivers," it includes information on environmental flows, the economic benefits of health rivers to New Mexico, and an overview on a recent EPA-funded study about which rivers in the state are most in need of environmental flows restoration. The brochure also details two collaborative projects currently underway as well as recommendations for restoring elements of natural flow patterns to New Mexico's rivers.
Draft of Wildlife Restoration Plan & EA for Cobre Tyrone Mine
The Draft RP/EA evaluates potential restoration projects that will restore, replace or acquire the equivalent of wildlife and wildlife habitat that were injured by the release of hazardous substances from the three mines.
Sharing innovations for Sharing a river pdf
The 2017 Rio Grande / Río Bravo Binational Water Forum brought together more than 150 people from Mexico and the United States to share creative strategies that promote water balance among people and ecosystems to foster a healthy, resilient river.
2008 EMNRD Strategic Plan
2008 EMNRD Strategic Plan
2008 EMNRD Strategic Plan
The strategic plan for the forestry division of the New Mexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department.
USDA/NRCS The Pole Cutting Solution
USDA/NRCS The Pole Cutting Solution
USDA/NRCS Streambank & Shoreline Protection Standard
USDA/NRCS Streambank & Shoreline Protection Standard
Fire Management Today
vol. 71 No. 2: Fire Management and Response
Forest and Watershed Health Plan
Completed FWH Plan
New Mexico's Forest and Watershed Health Plan
Forest and Watershed Health Plan for the State of New Mexico. Adopted March 2005.
USDA/NRCS Guidelines for Planting Longstem Transplants for Riparian Restoration in the Southwest
USDA/NRCS Guidelines for Planting Longstem Transplants for Riparian Restoration in the Southwest
Save Our Bosque Task Force Action Plan (pdf)
Save Our Bosque Task Force Action Plan (pdf
Defensible space guidelines
Defensible space guidelines
Forest and Watershed Health Office Annual Report FY06-07
Forest and Watershed Health Office Annual Report FY06-07
Restoring Flows and Ecosystems on the San Juan
Two decades ago, the San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program was established to recover two endangered fish, the Colorado pikeminnow and razorback sucker, in the San Juan River and its tributaries in Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah. Today, a diverse group of partners is working toward that goal.
EPA Green Infrastructure Permitting Fact Sheet 4: Stormwater
Much of the aquatic ecosystem degradation associated with stormwater is caused by changes in discharge volumes, rates, and durations. This factsheet discusses how green infrastructure can be integrated into stormwater permits to maintain more natural flow regimes.
The Rising Cost of Wildfire Operations: Effects on the Forest Service's Non-Fire Work
USFS Report released August 4, 2015
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