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Environmental Flows Bulletin Aug 2012
Published by the Utton Transboundary Resources Center at the University of New Mexico School of Law, Environmental Flows highlights ideas, strategies, and successes of organizations and individuals across New Mexico who are working to ensure environmental flows for the state's rivers and streams.
Environmental Flows Bulletin

by the Utton Transboundary Resources Center at the University of New
Mexico School of Law, Environmental Flows highlights ideas, strategies,
and successes of organizations and individuals across New Mexico who are
working to ensure environmental flows for the state's rivers and
Articles by
Laura Paskus, Managing Editor
Unless otherwise attributed
June, Audubon New Mexico completed a reader-friendly brochure on
environmental flows restoration. Titled "Hanging in the Balance: Why our
rivers need water and why we need healthy rivers," it includes
information on environmental flows, the economic benefits of health
rivers to New Mexico, and an overview on a recent EPA-funded study about
which rivers in the state are most in need of environmental flows
restoration. The brochure also details two collaborative projects
currently underway as well as recommendations for restoring elements of
natural flow patterns to New Mexico's rivers. The brochure is
available online at:
new report from the Natural Resources Defense Council looks at 15 water
pipeline projects. Authors Denise Fort and the NRDC's Berry Nelson
argue these projects do not account for climate change, the availability
of water or energy use. And they argue that more cost-effective
alternatives, such as water efficiency, are often ignored or not
assessed adequately. "Pipe Dreams: Water Supply Pipeline Projects in the
West" is
available online at:
May, The Nature Conservancy released a new report, "A Practical Guide
to Environmental Flows for Policy and Planning: nine case studies in the
United States," which explores how six states and three interstate
river basins are effectively developing and implementing regionalized
environmental flow criteria to water resource planning, water withdrawal
permitting, and multi-dam re-operation.
The report is available online at:
When visiting Albuquerque in July, US Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced that $1.7
million has been made available from the Land and Water Conservation
Fund in 2012 to enable the first phase of the purchase of Price's Dairy,
as part of the US Fish and Wildlife Service's proposed Middle Rio
Grande National Wildlife Refuge.
Rio Chama by Staci Stevens
Director's Note
Denise Fort
The drought
that encompasses much of the West is once again bringing water to the
forefront of public life. Cattle, wildlife, crops, recreation, tourism:
no aspect of our world is untouched by it. The land is dry and our often
divided state is joined in our desire for the dark clouds and bursts of
rain that summer usually brings.
issue is full of inspiring actions by people and agencies across the
state. Our hope is that we can connect the doers in New Mexico with each
other and contribute to what academics are now calling "learning
communities." Please share your ideas with us as to how we can help
support your work. The recently published report by Audubon New Mexico,
Hanging in the Balance, is a persuasive document which explains why this
community pursues restoration.
Albuquerque, Mayor Richard Berry's vision for the Rio Grande reminds us
of the linkages between city planning, economic development, and
environmental protection. Albuquerque will be attractive to the mobile
entrepreneurs who are choosing among locations for their businesses if
it can promise bike paths, nature trails, recreation on and near water,
and other signs that we value our environment. There is a long history
of care for the Rio Grande, and I was gratified to see that it continues
New Mexico
began a promising initiative to fund river restoration, but it is
withering without additional state funding. The drought in funding can
be remedied by the legislature, and we will keep you posted on who steps
forward to build a new program to protect and restore our rivers.
Restoring Flows and Ecosystems
on the San Juan
Fish and Wildlife Service Biologist Bobby Duran holds the fourth
largest endangered Colorado pikeminnow captured in the San Juan River
since 1991. Photo: Upper Colorado and San Juan Recovery Programs. |
Two decades ago, the San
Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program was established to
recover two endangered fish, the Colorado pikeminnow and razorback
sucker, in the San Juan River and its tributaries in Colorado, New
Mexico, and Utah. Today, a diverse group of partners is working toward
that goal.
The program came about
though a cooperative agreement signed by the governors of Colorado and
New Mexico, the US Secretary of the Interior, the Southern Ute and Ute
Mountain Ute tribes, and the Jicarilla Apache Nation. And it came as the
result of a Reasonable and Prudent Alternative to an Endangered Species
Act jeopardy opinion related to the development of the Animas-La Plata
water project.
One of the Reasonable
and Prudent Alternative's provisions includes the development of
environmental flows for the river and guaranteed water for the fish.
That's in addition to the development of a recovery program for the two
endangered fish.
Berry's Call to the River
businessman and former state legislator, Albuquerque Mayor Richard J.
Berry may seem an unlikely advocate for the Rio Grande. But with a new
proposal in hand-and a personal commitment to make the river a part of
his daily life-the Republican mayor is making waves.
part of "ABQ the Plan," Berry is championing a river corridor
initiative he hopes will bring more people to the banks of the river.
The plan does not address the river's flows, but it may re-connect the
public to the river and inspire new activists. Working on the project
has sparked the mayor's interest in the Rio Grande, and also in
statewide water policy and history.
May, Environmental Flows Bulletin sat down with Berry in his office.
Below, you can read a few excerpts from the transcript of that
Keeping Water in
Traditional Communities
There's a movement afoot in the acequia community to keep water
flowing for traditional uses. While it doesn't necessarily relate to
environmental flows, the environmental community may find inspiration-or
at the very least, better understand rural communities, the challenges
they face, and their attempts at protecting the waters flowing through
acequias and ditches.
Acequia communities have
long struggled to hold onto their water rights. The issue is all the
more complex today as fewer young people take over farms and fields from
older irrigators. This demographic reality, combined with the
difficulty of making a living off farming, means that some users are
selling off their water rights to developments and municipalities. And
while the sale of water rights might benefit one family, it can
negatively impact the entire community: The less water in the system,
the less push there is to move it to the furthest reaches of the ditch.
full story here
Reconnecting the Pecos River
Ten years ago, the
Pecos River as it flowed through Bitter Lakes National Wildlife Refuge
provided no quality habitat for riverine fish. During the early part of
the 20th century, the river had been channelized to create ponds that
would attract waterfowl. Barricaded behind a wall of invasive salt
cedar, the Pecos had also become disconnected from the plains through
which it flows.
But on a 12-mile
stretch of river, all of that is changing. A three phase project on the
Pecos has reconnected an oxbow, repaired floodplain connectivity by
lowering the riverbank and removing salt cedar, and removed salt cedar
from another four river miles and 1,300 acres.
"Now it's really cool," says Paul
Tashjian, senior hydrologist with the US Fish and Wildlife Service
(FWS). "It's wide open. It's like the old pictures of the Pecos-wide
open where you can see for miles." Working in partnership with other
federal and state agencies, nonprofits, and the Carlsbad Irrigation
District, Tashjian has watched a pipedream transform into a healthy
stretch of river.
What's Next for River Restoration in New Mexico?
In 2007, as part of Governor Bill Richardson "Year of Water"
initiative, he requested that the New Mexico State Legislature fund a
new program, the River Ecosystem Restoration Initiative, or RERI. Its
purpose was to restore instream ecosystem functions and watershed health
to major water basins throughout New Mexico. Denise Fort, the
governor's appointee to the Water Trust Board and a member of the
governor's Transition Team for water, had suggested it to Richardson as a
means of balancing the state's water development programs with a
program to further environmental values in rivers.
Once the
legislature appropriated the money each year, the New Mexico Environment
Department solicited proposals; each was evaluated according to more
than a dozen criteria by a committee made up of representatives from the
state's natural resource agencies. The proposed projects had to be
scientifically sound and sustainable, says Karen Menetrey, Environmental Scientist/Specialist with RERI, and also have stakeholder support and a commitment to ongoing maintenance and stewardship.
Over the course of four years, RERI supported 48 projects across the state to the tune of $8.2 million.