Job Announcement: Term Biologist at Grand Canyon NP
Term Biologist (GS-0401-11) to serve as the Colorado River Management Plan (CRMP) Technical Specialist in Flagstaff, AZ. Since 2007 the NPS has conducted monitoring surveys on the condition of key resources at campsites of differing use levels throughout the river corridor (incl. flora, fauna, physical environment, and archeological sites). The incumbent will utilize the results from recently completed data analyses to modify the survey design and methods, as needed, and help guide implementation of annual monitoring and mitigation activities. Our ideal candidate will have experience in designing and implementing long-term resource monitoring programs and be knowledgeable about the Colorado River ecosystem and associated management issues (e.g. dam operations, exotics, recreation). Start date-- April, 2013. Length of position-- 13 months with the opportunity to extend.
Contact: Jane Rodgers, Deputy Chief, Science & Research Management Grand Canyon National Park
Work: (928) 638-7475, Cell: (928( 606-5793