RFP: New Mexico Statewide Wood Energy Enterprise Team (SWEET)
The New Mexico Forest Industry Association (NMFIA) is seeking proposals to develop wood energy projects in cluster regions of the state. The focal areas include: Rio Grande Water Fund (RGWF) area (Rio Grande, Rio Chama and their forested tributaries and headwaters), Chama area (embedded within RGWF), Southcentral NM, the Gila and A/S national forests cross jurisdictional area, and other potential opportunity areas within New Mexico. Funding will be awarded through a competitive process administered by NM SWEET. NMFIA plans to award multiple contracts as a result of this Request for Proposals (RFP). NMFIA has approximately $91,000 currently available for this request.
SWEET_rfp_NMFIA - THE SEQUEL - 11-18-2014.pdf
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