Job Opportunity - TNC Sangre de Cristo Program Manager
The Nature Conservancy is seeking a Program Director to work on all facets of land and water conservation within the Sangre de Cristo mountains of New Mexico. This is a new position that combines work in forest restoration and fire management at a landscape scale with freshwater conservation, economic development and community conservation. The ideal candidate will bring strong technical skills and a track record of accomplishing collaborative conservation in diverse settings with scientists, contractors, agencies, elected officials, Native American tribes, Land Grants and other stakeholders.
The Sangre de Cristo Program Director will be responsible for Rio Grande Water Fund implementation in northern New Mexico and will have the opportunity to evaluate programs for the cross-border NM-CO region. This is an exciting new job as part of the small and dynamic New Mexico team.
The position description is attached and the closing date is December 30, 2016. Applicants should apply online at for position #44879.
Job Description Sangre de Cristo Program Director 11-17-2016.docx
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