Community Forest Program (CFP) Request for Applications - due 01/13/17
This is a competitive grant program whereby local governments, qualified nonprofit organizations, and Indian tribes are eligible to apply for grants to establish community forests through fee simple acquisition of private forest land from a willing seller. The purpose of the program is to establish community forests by protecting forest land from conversion to non-forest uses and provide community benefits such as sustainable forest management, environmental benefits including clean air, water, and wildlife habitat; benefits from forest-based educational programs; benefits from serving as models of effective forest stewardship; and recreational benefits secured with public access.
All local government and qualified nonprofit organization applications must be submitted to the State Forester of the State where the property is located. All tribal applications must be submitted to the equivalent Tribal government official. Applications are due to the State Forester or the appropriate Tribal official by January 13, 2017.
For NM: Donald Griego, Deputy State Forester:
(505) 476-3325.
For AZ:
Jeff Whitney, State Forester:
Applicants are encouraged to contact and work with the Forest Service Southwestern Region and State Forester or equivalent Tribal government official when developing their proposal. Applicants must consult with the State Forester or equivalent Tribal government official prior to requesting technical assistance for a project. All applicants must also send an email to communityforest@ to confirm an application has been submitted for funding consideration. State Foresters and Tribal government officials shall submit applications, either electronic or hardcopy, to the Forest Service Region.
CFP Road Map_and_appendices Final 508c.pdf
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