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MOU, policies and procedures, forms, and other assorted documents related to the management of the EBWRM Project.
Emergency Fire Precautions
Landowners and contractors will restrict operations in accordance with the attached Emergency Fire Precaution Schedule. This schedule is based on U. S. Forest service Industrial fire Plan Guidelines. Soil and Water Conservation Districts will evaluate projects in their districts and apply local USFS Restriction Levels as they deem appropriate. Projects adjacent to Forest Service lands will normally follow the local Forest District’s restrictions. Districts will communicate implementation and changes to these restrictions directly with the landowner or contractor, as appropriate. Contractors working projects on U. S. Forest Service or other agency lands must comply with the restrictions and procedures directed by that agency.
Estancia Basin Watershed Health Restoration and Monitoring Project Policies and Procedures
These policies and procedure are designed to describe the roles and responsibilities of the Estancia Basin Watershed Health Restoration and Monitoring Project and to describe the procedures to be used in conducting business related to project activities.
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