2012 Candidate Projects
SF-P Tres Rios Ranch map
map of Tres Rios Ranch
East Rio Arriba SWCD 2012 project
ERA SWCD Alcalde South 2012 project
East Rio Arriba SWCD Alcalde South map
map of Alcalde South project
Santo Domingo 2012
22 acres of initial treatment
Santo Domingo 2012 map
map of 2012 Santo Domingo project
La Bajada Ranch project map
Map of proposed La Bajada Ranch Project (Santa Fe-Pojoaque SWCD)
Albuquerque Open Space River and Canopy Loop Project
Project proposal for bosque treatments on Sector 9 near Albuquerque Open Space Visitors Center (Ciudad SWCD)
SF-P La Bajada Ranch Riparian, Wetland, and Pond Restoration
18 acre project on Alamo Creek near confluence with Santa Fe River and La Cienega Creek (Santa Fe-Pojoaque SWCD)
VSWCD Whitfield West Phase 2 ("Priority 1")
Phase 2 for Belen Unit 2 (2011 Valencia SWCD project). Proposes 20 acre resprout treatment, weed treatment, slash management, possible reveg.
VSWCD Valencia Bosque Habitat Recovery-Revegetation Project 2012-13 ("Priority 2")
Reveg proposed for 99 acres total. Includes Valencia SWCD's 2011 projects Belen sites 3 & 5 (40 acres) Tome Site (26.8 acres) and Los Lunas site (32 acres). Maps embedded in proposal.
VSWCD Los Lunas Carson Park WUI Project ("Priority 3")
39 acres initial treatment. Location map embedded in proposal.
VSWCD Bosque Farms North Restoration Project [New 2012] ("Priority 4")
Initial treatment on 20 acres of 33-acre site. Excludes SWWF site. Location map embedded in proposal.
VSWCD Los Lunas SW Bosque Project 2012 ("Priority 5")
Proposal for 56 acres initial treatment plus 1 re-treatment. Map embedded in proposal.
Romero Fire Mastication and Restoration (Ciudad SWCD)
Sandia Pueblo post-fire restoration. Includes mastication and chemical treatment plus reseeding on affected portions of 279-acres burned in 2012 Romero fire. Perimeter maps.
Socorro SWCD 2012 GRGWA Proposal
Highway 60 North Fuel Reduction and Noxious Species Extraction Project