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Divining Rod Newsletter January 2013 (NM Water Resources Research Institute)
The Divining Rod newsletter is provided by the NM Water Resources Research Institute).
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Divining Rod Newsletter January 2013 (NM WRRI)
The Divining Rod newsletter is provided by the New Mexico Water Resources Research Institute.
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American Water Resources Association Healthy Forests = Healthy Waters Conference Abstracts
The AWRA Conference, titled "Healthy Forests = Healthy Waters", is accepting abstracts until FEBRUARY 8, 2013. The conference itself will be held June 27-28, 2013. The conference sessions will be relevant to water managers, aquatic biologists/ecologists, planners, engineers, forestland managers, economists, consultants, water purveyors and industrial users of water.
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American Water Resources Association Environmental Flows Conference Abstracts
The AWRA 2013 Conference, titled "Environmental Flows", is accepting abstracts until FEBRUARY 8, 2013. The conference itself is June 24-25, 2013. The objective of the conference is to offer a professional forum on the latest issues concerning the research, policy, and application of establishing environmental flows.
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Texas Sues New Mexico over Rio Grande
This is an updated article on Texas' lawsuit against New Mexico regarding the allocation of water regulated at Elephant Butte Reservoir, posted in the Albuquerque Journal by local environmental journalist John Fleck.
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Job Posting: BDD Facilities Manager for City of Santa Fe
The City of Santa Fe recently posted a job opening for a BDD Facilities Manager. This position provides professional expertise and leadership to manage the state-of-the-art Buckman Direct Diversion (BDD) facilities, co-owned by the City of Santa Fe and Santa Fe County; and is responsible for the production of drinking water that is compliant with applicable local, state and federal regulations, meets the demands of the City of Santa Fe and Santa Fe County, and optimizes facility operations.
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Clearing the Waters Newsletter 2012 PDF
This is the latest Clearing the Waters Newsletter, produced by the New Mexico Environment Department.
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Shared Borders, Shared Waters: Israeli-Palestinian and Colorado River Basin Water Challenges
A new book that examines water management in the chronically water-short Israeli-Palestinian region, and Arizona, which relies significantly on the overallocated Colorado River, as well as on non-renewable groundwater supplies. This volume is predicated on the idea that scientifically-trained experts who are sensitive to sociopolitical conditions can assist in developing and evaluating feasible water management solutions.
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Sustainable Integrated Water Management Grant from WERF
WERF is seeking research that will focus on institutional issues and governance structures impacting established water, wastewater and stormwater management, and will explore stakeholder-driven solution-sets (of green/gray infrastructure, centralized/decentralized operation and management, and resource recovery) that can drive utility adoption of a broader “One Water Paradigm”. WERF funds water quality research on behalf of its subscribers, and facilitates collaboration among organizations seeking funding partners for high-priority issues. WERF awards funding through a competitive process and coordinates funding under contract through a staff-assigned program manager. All qualified entities — including international organizations and disadvantaged business enterprises — are encouraged to submit research proposals.
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WaterSMART Water & Energy Efficiency Grant from BuRec
The Bureau of Reclamation is seeking proposals from non-Federal entities for its WaterSMART Water and Energy Efficiency Grant funding opportunity. Projects that are eligible must conserve water or result in other improvements that address water supply sustainability in the Western United States. Projects submitted for funding should seek to conserve and use water more efficiently, increase the use of renewable energy and improve energy efficiency, protect endangered and threatened species, facilitate water markets or carry out other activities to address climate-related impacts on water or prevent any water-related crisis or conflict.
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