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File Forest Guild - December 2007
Climate Change, Carbon, and the Forests of the Northeast
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File Tribal Climate Change Newsletter - January 2016
We are continuing to firm up our climate change training schedule for the coming year. Registration is open for the Climate Change Adaptation Planning training scheduled for April 19-21 in Anchorage, AK.
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EPA Climate Change and Water News
U.S. EPA News EPA's Climate Ready Water Utilities Initiative Announces Webinar Series
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EPA Climate Change, Water News and Other Federal News
U.S. Geological Survey Moves to Create Climate Change Vulnerability Database
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February 2015 Newsletter - IN THIS ISSUE: Identifying watersheds with high restoration potential; Mapping springs and spring-dependent species; How hotter dryer climate may lead to more tree deaths from fire; Spatial data for Southern Rockies; Upcoming webinar: Fire and climate history in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado
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from SRLCC Feb. 2015 Newsletter
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EPA Climate Change and Water News 11/2012
Including topics such as Early Registration for 2013 Climate Leadership Conference, website on Hurricane Sandy Response & Recovery, report on 'Opportunities to Advance Sustainability in California's Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program', Registration for December 4th Symposium on the Importance of Water to the U.S. Economy, video "EPA Scientists at Work: Managing Sewer Overflows with Green Infrastructure", and lease of Delaware offshore wind.
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University of Idaho News, Oct. 10, 2016
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USDA kicks off webinar series on drought and water challenges
The USDA Office of Sustainability and Climate Change posted a 2-hour introduction to upcoming opportunities related to drought and water challenges. The aim is to engage Forest Service employees and partners in planning for and adapting to the impacts of drought and other water challenges in the face of a changing climate.
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This November 2010 report by the Forest Guild, commissioned by the Climate Action Reserve, highlights the differences in carbon storage in major forest types of the U.S. The report discusses the influence that growth cycles, external disturbances, and forest management practices have on LDW. The report also provides an in-depth discussion of various sampling methods and guidance for managers planning dead wood inventories.
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