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13th Biennial Conference: Call for presentations and abstracts
This year’s conference will continue to be a forum that brings together resource managers and research scientists to share findings and management needs associated with the lands and resources of the Southwest. Climate change, energy development, and human population growth in the Southwest affect water availability, natural systems, and the social character of the region. Please join us for this informative (and fun) event! We look forward to seeing you in October!
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2015 River Stewardship Program - Request for Proposal (RFP)
The State Purchasing Division of the NM General Services Department has issued the following Request for Proposals (RFP). RFP# 60-667-15-26882 RFP Issuance Date: January 22, 2016 Proposal Due Date: March 3, 2016 The purpose of the RFP is to solicit proposals to establish contractual obligations through competitive negotiations for the procurement of services to design and construct projects that improve surface water quality or river habitat statewide. Please see the RFP for directions on how to request additional information and submit a proposal. RIVER STEWARDSHIP PROGRAM RFP PROJECT CONTACT: Karen Menetrey or
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2015 Wood Innovations Program Request for Proposals
The U.S. Forest Service requests proposals to substantially expand and accelerate wood energy and wood products markets throughout the United States to support forest management needs on National Forest System and other forest lands. This Request for Proposals focuses on the following priorities: Reduce hazardous fuels and improve forest health on National Forest System and other forest lands. Reduce costs of forest management on all land types. Promote economic and environmental health of communities. Funding will be awarded in two separate grant categories:
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2017 Fire Science Research Funding Opportunities Now Open!
The Joint Fire Science Program's 2017 Funding Opportunity Notices (FON) for seven categories of research, including Graduate Research Innovation (GRIN) Awards, are open through November 17, 2016. Please go to the link below to view details.
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Forest Guild - RFP - Seeking Qualified Type II Burn Boss for Sep/Oct
The Forest Stewards Guild is seeking an insured and qualified burn boss type two (RXB2) for up to three mobilizations. The contractor will organize and lead a burn crew to implement up to three burns in September and October 2016. Contractor will work as part of a team with Forest Stewards Guild, local land managers and owners, and local volunteer and hired resources. The Forest Stewards Guild is coordinating burn permits, burn equipment, and firefighters from state, local, and NGOs. The Forest Stewards Guild is now accepting bids for three burns scheduled in September and October. Bids will be considered for one, two, or all three burns. Due Date: 12:00 Noon, Thursday August 25, 2016
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Funding Opportunity: New Mexico Invasive Plants Program
This is a posting from the NMIPP for a grant to manage invasive plants
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Governor Susana Martinez Announces Opening of River Stewardship Program Request for Proposals 2014
Governor Susana Martinez and the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) announced today that the River Stewardship Program Request for Proposals (RFP) will open in early June, with submission due in mid-July. Proposals will be considered from towns, cities, counties, state agencies, soil and water conservation districts, irrigation districts, and community watershed groups, as well as Indian Nations, Pueblos, and Tribes. Additional groups that work to restore river habitats are also encouraged to apply.
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New Mexico Invasive Plants Grants RFA form
This RFA includes information about the funding opportunities for the New Mexico Invasive Plants Grants
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NM State Forestry announces 2015-2016 New Mexico Invasive Plants Program - Request for applications now out
The New Mexico Invasive Plants application is now out. The legal notice and RFA (which includes the application) can be found on our website with the link attached. This program has been successful by supporting Cooperative Weed Management areas addressing invasive weed problems threatening forested areas across New Mexico.
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Reducing the Threat of Uncharacteristically Severe Wildfire to Safeguard Western Water Supply: Building local capacity to empower now-unengaged private forest landowners across Colorado, Utah and New Mexico
American Forest Foundation Request for Proposals, April 2017. Handout from April 21, 2017 Coordinating Group meeting.
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Forest and Watershed Health Coordinating Group
Public Collaborative Group Folder
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